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Former President Barack Obama gaslighted the public with his speech at the Democratic National Convention last night, essentially telling the public that 74-year-old President Donald Trump was a fascist robbing the nation of democracy. Obama, while president from eight years [2008-2016], spent billions of taxpayer dollars on a covert proxy war in Syria, joining the Saudi effort to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Over Obama’s eight years in office, while he lashes out at Trump last night, his proxy war in Syria killed over 500,000 Syrians, displacing 15 million more into neighboring countries and Europe, causing the worst humanitarian crisis since WW II. Yet, with astonishing temerity, Obama blasted Trump with all the Democrat Party tropes, accusing Trump of fascism. Obama, worth over $40 million, insinuates Trump used his office to enrich himself and his friends.

When Barack and his wife Michelle entered office in 2009, there net worth was around $5 million based on advances and royalties from his life story, “Dreams from My Father” [1995] and “Audacity of Hope” [2006]. “I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking his job seriously,” Obama told a national audience, insinuating Trump sits around watching TV. “But he never did,” believing that only he took the presidency seriously, while enriching himself ten fold during his eight years in office. Trump donates his $400,000 salary, not, like Obama, investing in stock, bonds or money markets. “Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t. And the consequence of that failure is severe,” Obama said, not saying exactly what happened that’s so “severe” under Trump’s watch. Obama sees the coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 as the “Trump virus.”

While president, his 72-year-old Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, routinely sold access to foreign leaders as long as they donated cash to the Clinton Foundation, earning her and former President Bill Clinton millions while running the State Department. When Hillary left office in 2009, after plundering foreign leaders for cash, she and Bill shut down the Clinton Global Initiative led by former Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala. Obama talks in vague terms about Trump’s white supremacy and racism, something Democrats have made a major part of 2020 campaign strategy. Obama’s speech delivered all the subtle cues about Trump’s racism, xenophobia, homophobia, white supremacy, etc., spending his time spreading DNC talking points, anything but the truth. Obama accused Trump of threatening democratic institutions “like never before.”

When Obama signed the Affordable Care [ACA] Act into law March 23, 2010, her promised that subscribers could keep their own doctors, clinics and hospitals. Soon after implemented, the ACA became a Medicaid like HMO, herding subscribers into tightly controlled managed care organizations to control costs. While the intent of the law was good, not excluding subscribers for pre-existing conditions, the application of ACA became a Medicaid style HMO, the lowest form of health care available. Today, so-called Obamacare offers health care to the uninsured but only at government-type clinics, one step removed from country-funded health care. Yet Obama was never held accountable for his Trojan Hoarse heath care, providing government care but at the expense of quality and availability. But, no, to Obama, Trump’s a fascist trying to take away his crowning achievement.

Obama’s speech delivered Democrats campaign strategy, blaming Trump for the Covid-19 crisis and the U.S. economic collapse. Obama points out that things would be different if he or former Vice President Joe Biden were in office, touting his management of the H1NI flu epidemic and Ebola virus. Yet Barack knows that Covid-19 has been like no other virus since the 1918 Spanish Flu global pandemic that killed around 50-100 million citizens worldwide. Obama talked copiously about Trump sending in federal agents to stifle the First Amendment rights of peaceful demonstrators. Barack watches TV and knows that the nationwide riots, looting, vandalism and arson were not about peaceful protesting. Cities like Minneapolis, where the George Floyd murder occurred, Seattle, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Baltimore, New York and Los Angeles all witnessed violent street protest and lawlessness.

Obama established himself during his eight years as a master propagandist, good at diverting attention away from the real impact of his domestic and foreign policy. When you think here received a Nobel Peace Prize Oct. 9, 2009 while he covertly backed the Saudi proxy war to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, it even prompted seconds thoughts from Geir Lundestad on Nobel Committee Sept. 17, 2015. Obama called Trump’s approach to the coronevirus pandemic “an absolute chaotic disaster,” reciting the DNC talking points verbatim but offering no proof. European Union counties continue to struggle to outbreaks of Covid-19, causing comparable economic damage to the EU’s economy. “Do not let them take away your power. Don’t let them take away your democracy,” Obama said, gaslighting voters into thinking that things would be different under him or Biden.