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LOS ANGELES.–Meeting for an interview with 54-year-old Fox News Host Bret Beir, 59-year-old Vice President and Democrat nominee was just as defensive as her Sept. 27 ABC News Debate hosted by David Muir and Linsey Davis. In that debate, the host and Kamala ganged up on 78-year-old former President Donald Trump, unleashing the most biased questions mainly on civil, gender and women’s reproductive rights. Kamala came well prepared by her handlers for weeks with memorized Democrat talking points, slamming Trump at every opportunity for Jan. 6 and his “threats” to clean up the Department of Justice that spent years investigating Trump and now charging him with a variety of fake crimes, all to interfere with the 2024 election and get Kamala elected president. Let there be no mistake, 2024 is a repeat of 2026 when the Justice Department and FBI went ape against Trump.

In her one-on-one sit down with mild-mannered, polite and respectful journalist Bret Baier, Kamala treated him like he was an assailant in a dark alley, refusing to answer any substantive questions voters want to know before the Nov. 5 election. Voters want to know how she plans to do anything differently as president than the last four years under 81-year-old President Joe Biden. Voters watched Kamala against deliver unrelenting memorized talking points, sniping at Trump, at one point calling him unfit for office. Like her campaign ads, she cites former Trump employees who were fired with cause for incompetence, then became part of the never Trump cabal of turncoat Republicans. Kamala got off to a bad start arguing with Baier over the border crisis, something that happened over the last four years, letting some 20 million illegal aliens into the United States.

All Kamala would acknowledged is how Trump killed a comprehensive immigration bill, Biden said he would sign, knowing that Trump doesn’t control the U.S. Senate. If GOP members of Senate thought the bill was good for the country, they would have advanced it. Yet Kamala’s talking point says it’s all Trump’s fault. Trump has said the bill didn’t go far enough in protecting the country and beefing up security on the southern border. Bret only wanted to hear what Kamala would do differently on the border than Biden. “She was combative and energetic and she certainly landed some blows on Donald Trump,” said Fox News 81-year-old analyst Brit Hume, no fan of Trump. “But in terms of how well she answered your questions . . . she didn’t give you much, Bret, and you did a great job of posing those questions,” Brit told Bret Baier after the 20-minute interview.

Democrats jumped-up-and-down, calling the interview another Kamala win but the dwindling polls say otherwise in a glaring way. Kamala has been losing ground in both national polls and battleground states for the last several weeks. Kamala’s campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon was so desperate to stop the slide she begged Trump to debate Kamala again since Democrat-friendly and some GOP pundits, like Brit Hume, thought Kamala won the Sept. 27 debate. But if Kamala really won the debate so decisively, why would O’Malley Dillon ask for a rematch less than an hour after the debate? Kamala went on Fox News because she’s desperate not to stop what looks like the slide into a significant defeat on Election Day. Kamala tried to score more points against Trump hoping to convince more never-Trumpers, including Nikki Haley backers, to join the bandwagon.

Instead of making herself look more sympathetic to undecided voters, Kamala gave them more reason to vote for Trump, largely because, she refuses to answer simple questions. How would things be different in a Kamala administration? Kamala refused to answer any questions about Joe’s cognitive fitness before-and-after he dropped out of the 2024 race July 21. Kamala barked at Baier that Joe was not on the ballot, again ducking the question of Joe’s cognitive fitness. Democrats pretend that Joe dropped out of the 2024 race not because of his cognitive problems but because he wanted to give a new generation of Democrat leadership a chance. Kamala repeated her talking point that she’s a new generation of Democrat leadership. Well, if the new generation can’t answer simple questions, then they’re obviously not ready for primetime, ready to lead the country.

Kamala squandered a great opportunity to present herself differently to a more conservative audience watching Fox News. “I’m sure her partisans will look at that and say yay Kamala,” Brit Hume said. “She fought you. Bu if people have doubts about her I don’t think she cleared them up,” Hume said, not admitting that she actually hurt herself in the interview. Kamala treated mild-mannered Bret Baier like he was Trump, ready to call her “incompetent” and “retarded.” Kamala wanted to tell voters that she’s not Joe Biden and would do things differently. But she’s already said that she would continue the proxy war against the Kremlin in Ukraine for the indefinite future. When it comes to war-and-peace, it doesn’t sound like there’s much separation from Biden. Fox News voters heard nothing new only the same Democrat talking points slamming Trump.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.