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LOS ANGELES.–Pressuring 74-year-old Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a ceasefire in a phone call Aug/ 1, 81-year-old President Joe Biden showed why he should have resigned from office, showing for all to see he’s not fit for office. Since dropping out from the 2024 race, Biden handlers are obsessed with his legacy, largely a disaster in U.S. foreign policy and not much better on the U.S. economy. Biden faced the nation from the Oval Office July 24 to explain his reasons for dropping out of the race. But instead of leveling with the public, he continues to gaslight everyone about the obvious reasons he was pressured to get out. Biden’s June 27 debate with 78-year-old former President Donald Trump showed the public he was not fit for office, certainly not for running for a second term. Yet Biden only admitted he quit for the good of the party and the country.

Well, why would it be for the good of the country, if he was still competent to serve? Biden was pressured by Democrat Party bosses like 63-year-old former President Barack Obama and 84-year-old former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to get out of the race, telling Biden he could not win in November and would drag down the Party. Whatever all the extraneous reasons, the main one is that Biden is not capable of normal diplomacy due to his age-related cognitive decline. So, when it comes to any real national security issue, Biden should stand down and let his underlings, like 62-year-old Secretary of State Antony Blinken or 46-year-old National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan handle foreign policy issues. Biden has gotten the U.S.—and Europe–into a dangerous war with the Russian Federation in Ukraine, destabilizing world peace.

Why would anyone trust Biden’s judgment at this point to make any decision on Ukraine or the Israeli-Gaza War? “I’m very concerned about it,” Biden, referring to the prospects of a wider war in the Middle East. Israel had recently vaporized high ranking Hamas officials, 63-year-old Ismail Haniyech in Tehran and Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif in Gaza’s Khan Younis, not to mention high ranking Hezbollah Gen. Fuad Shukr in Lebanon. Biden isn’t in the position to know what’s good for Israel, especially fighting a two front war, one in Gaza the other in Lebanon. When it comes to Iran, 85-year-old Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is responsible for the state-sponsored terrorism, funding Gaza’s Hamas terrorists, Lebanon’s Hezbollah militants and Yemen’s Houthi rebels. Biden has no clue what’s on Netanyahu’s plate trying to defend Israel on multiple fronts.

Biden spoke with Netanyahu on Thursday, pressuring the Israeli leader to give him a early birthday gift before he leaves office with a ceasefire agreement. “I had a very direct meeting with the prime minister today—very direct. We have the basis for a ceasefire. He should move on it and they should move on it now,” Biden said, knowing the Hamas refuses to surrender power in Gaza. Biden knows that Netanyahu can’t stop his operation in Gaza until Hamas tyrant Yahya Sinwar accepts an exile deal and Hamas no longer rules Gaza. So, when Biden pressures Netanyahu to sign onto his ceasefire plan, what is he asking Israel to do? Fail to complete the job he started declaring war on Hamas for the Nazi-like Holocaust Oct. 7 massacre that slaughtered 1,200 Israelis, mostly teenagers at the Negev Desert Music Festival and elderly at their Kibbutzes near the Gaza border.

Netanyahu can’t end his war in Gaza, or now Lebanon with Hezbollah, until Hamas leaves the Gaza Strip, replaced by a new U.N.-approved Palestinian government. No Palestinian faction that seeks the destruction of Israel, like Hamas, can return to power in Gaza. Hamas likes to talk about resistance but only in the context of looting the Gaza Strip of all its donor cash for the last 17 years. When Hamas seized power from the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority June 14, 2007, a recognized terror group seize the Gaza Strip. Hamas’s leaders have plundered the Gaza Strip, enriching themselves, and spending donor cash on more rockets and military tunnels, certainly not improving Gaza’s infrastructure. Gaza was in ruins before the Oct. 8, 2023 war, barely having enough water and electricity for its 2.1 million population. Biden doesn’t recognize any of the history.

When it comes to spreading the Gaza War, it’s not happening, because Biden should know, but doesn’t, that no respected Mideast country wants to defend Hamas or, more importantly, wants to go to war with Israel. Even the Ayatollah showed his phoniness, telling the last Ismail Haniyeh, early on in the war that Iran would not get involved to save Hamas. So, when it comes to Biden pressuring Netanyahu for a ceasefire, he knows that Hamas can no longer rule Gaza, now or in the future. All the talk in the press about a wider Mideast conflict is all hot air, trying to get Israel to let Hamas stay in power. Netanyahu, not Biden, needs to stay the course, knowing that the job isn’t complete until Hamas vacates Gaza. Biden wants his legacy but he’s in no position to advise anyone, certainly not Netanayhu, on what’s best for Israel or Mideast peace.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.