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LOS ANGELES.–Former President Bill Clinton’s chief strategist James Carville, 80, predicts that 78-year-old former President Donald Trump will be a no-show at his CNN June 27 debate. Carville said if he were a gambler, he’d bet that Trump doesn’t show up. Carville implies that Biden will beat him like a drum, like he did in the last presidential debate Sept. 29, 2020, when Trump was under the gun with Covid and race riots raging around the country. Carville doesn’t mention that the legacy media despises Trump and does everything possible to make him look bad. When Biden and Trump last debated at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Trump was on the defense, explaining his strategy for dealing with Covid or explaining the months of race riots leading up to the 2020 election. While things are different today, the media still despises Trump making every excuse for Biden.

U.S. press has actually been invested in a mass cover-up of Biden’s known memory and cognitive impairments, leading him to make unending gaffes on the campaign trail and overseas trips. Biden now faces his own track record over the last three years, all be wrecking U.S.-Russian and U.S.-Chinese relations, something that most Americans don’t care much about. When it comes to the Ukraine War, where Biden funds the bankrupt Kiev government of President Volodymyr Zelensky, Biden asks voters to believe that he’s going to defeat the Russian Federation, not something believed by any reputable military expert. Yet Biden insists that without the Ukraine War, Russian President Vladimir Putin would march through Europe, picking off countries like Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler in 1939. CNN’s debate hosts will avoid questions about Ukraine.

Trump can rest assured that the debate will focus on his May 30 conviction of 34 felonies in his Manhattan hush money trial, highlighting to viewers that Trump is a convicted felon that cannot be trusted. CNN routinely reports about Trump assault on democracy for the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection, for which Special Counsel Jack Smith has charged him with another slew of felonies for trying to overturn the 2020 election. Biden only needs to sit back and let CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash paint Trump as a danger to U.S. democracy. Tapper and Bash will play tag-team wrestlers with Trump, making him look like a threat to American democracy, already a convicted felon for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels. All Biden has to do is deliver some Democrat talking points off his teleprompter while the CNN hosts jump all over Trump for his alleged crimes.

Carville doesn’t say that Trump should avoid debating altogether because it offers his no advantage in the upcoming presidential race. “Well, if I was a gambler, and actually I am a gambler, I’d take even money that Trump doesn’t show up,” Carville said, not saying, why the former president should avoid debating. Trump’s campaign team, in some kind of bravado, agreed to debate Biden “any place, anytime,” not realizing that he has much to lose and nothing to gain. Trump hoped he could expose Biden’s memory and cognitive impairments, something that has been cleverly covered up by the press. Biden likes quotes that say he’s perfectly OK, except anyone with any degree of intellectual honesty knows that he’s anything but OK. He’s driven the U.S. economy into the worse inflationary cycle in the last 40 years, returning to the days of former President Jimmy Carter’s stagflation.

Carter during the 1980 campaign tried his utmost to deny any responsibility for the double-digit inflation that drove the prime rate to 21%, mortgage interest rates to 17%. While things aren’t that bad today with the prime a 8.5% and mortgage rate averaging 7%, the U.S. economy can’t take today’s rates, with the Federal Reserve Board keeping rates high to mitigate inflationary pressures. Coming out the Covid-19 pandemic, Biden came to office getting Congress to approve over $3 trillion dollars in pandemic relief funding. Several respected economists, including former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, said it would fuel inflation. Well it didn’t take long for inflation to rear its head and prompt Fed Chairman Jerome Powell to start hiking the Federal Funds rate. Powell took the Federal Funds rate from zero percent to 5.25% to combat runaway inflation.

When it comes to debating, Trump has everything to lose and nothing to gain. Biden has two friendly hosts willing to give him easy, well rehearsed questions, where, with Trump, they plan on hammering him. Tapper and Bash will pounce on Trump for promising revenge or retribution if he becomes president. Tapper and Bash will take Trump’s words out of context but that won’t stop them from hammering him on his public statements. Both will paint Trump as a threat to American democracy, pretending that he’s already been convicted of trying to overthrow the 2020 election by having his right wing goons vandalize the capital. Trump won’t know what hit him if he attends the June 27 debate. “If you give me even money, I’d say he’s a no show. He’ll just get up in the morning and say, I’m just not going to do it,” Carville said, knowing full well what will hit him.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global new.s He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.