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LOS ANGELES.–A new CBS/YouGov poll indicated that 54% of people who plan to voter for 81-year-old President Joe Biden do so because they don’t like 77-year-old former President Donald Trump. While the motivation for voting doesn’t tell the whole story, what the poll says is that voters aren’t picking Biden because they like him or his policies. Only 27% of respondents say they’re planning to vote for Biden because they like him or his policies. When you read between the lines, it’s bad news for Biden because Trump has five months to make his case to voters, knowing that only 27% say they actually like Biden or his polices. Biden has the worst approval ratings of any incumbent in modern history seeking reelection at 39.3%. Voters are influenced daily by the anti-Trump media that spends 24/7 trashing Trump in a fictional narrative of Trump trying to destroy American democracy.
As voters learn more about the facts of the election or the important issues, like the border or inflation, they see Biden has made a mess of things, leading to high interest rates and gas prices, pushing his Green agenda on the public. Voters don’t know that Biden has no real climate agenda in the future other than promoting the next general nuclear power plants something not yet vetted and safe and efficient. Democrats and the press act like Biden’s climate agenda benefits the planet when, in fact, it may spread nuclear radiation around the planet. Questiond about climate change or the White House approach to it are beyond the pay grade of ordinary voters, more concerned about high energy prices, high mortgages and rent, costing consumers a big chunk of their monthly income. Voters know that the media trashes Trump daily but recall life better for years ago.
Despite the fake show trial in Manhattan, Trump has a good shot of making his case to Democrat, Republican and independent voters before November. Today’s CBS/YouGov poll indicates that there’s an opening for Trump to make his case for a more peaceful world and prosperous country. Trump was hammered in 2020 by the Covid-19 global pandemic that frightened voters watching their family and friends die. Democrats did a masterful job of pinning the crisis on Trump, when, in fact, he did everything possible to contain the deadly novel coronavirus. Biden and his 57-year-old VP Kamala Harris told voters they wouldn’t trust any vaccine developed under Trump and said the vaccine was a long way off. Well after the Nov. 3 election, Pfizer released the first MRNA vaccine one week later. Biden and Harris gladly embraced the vaccine as their own.
Trump was tarred-and-feathered by Democrats and the press for the race riots following George Floyd’s death. When you look at the Covid crisis, voters looked for a change but for all the wrong reasons. They elected a cognitively impaired president that can’t get along with foreign adversaries, trashing relation with Russia and China. Biden still blurts out that Russia President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinpin are brutal dictators. How does that help global diplomacy, with the U.S. embroiled in a reckless, costly proxy war with the Russian Federation? Most voters don’t pay attention to foreign policy but Biden has made a mess of things, harming U.S. national security. What happens if Biden decides in a second term to go to war against Communist China, opening a two-front world war, one in Ukraine, the other in Taiwan? How’s that supposed to work?
Biden embarrassed the U.S. telling European Union leaders in France that Putin was the next Adolf Hitler, trying to take over more European countries like Hitler did in 1939. Ukraine’s 46-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky disgraced the 80th anniversary of D-Day, gaslighting leaders about his absurd comparison between Putin and Hitler. Putin isn’t gassing and cremating minorities in Russia, he’s in a border dispute with Ukraine because of U.S. arms shipments. Putin asked Biden for months before the Feb. 24, 2022 invasion to work out new security arrangement for Ukraine. When Biden refused and continue arming Ukraine, he moved the Russian army into Ukraine. How could Biden disgrace the memory of WW II by making such a phony comparison to Ukraine? Putin wants to settle the conflict but not on Zelensky’s unrealistic terms fir peace.
Biden finds himself repeating the same White House talking points that Trump tries to destroy U.S. democracy, now calling Trump a convicted felon. If an appeals court reverses the verdict, it will be embarrassing to Democrats, the press and White House. Biden apparently appeals to voters that buy the daily media demonization of Trump. If for some reason voters get more facts about life before Biden, some may switch votes because the CBS/YouGov poll indicates that voters don’t like Trump. When Trump was in office he had the misfortune of the Covid-19 pandemic souring voters. Biden and Harris did a good job in 2020 of discrediting Trump, when Trump left no stone left unturned dealing with the infectious disease crisis. Without Covid or race riots driving the headlines in 2020, it’s conceivable voters will focus on Biden’s real track record of inflation and foreign wars.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’d editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.