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LOS ANGELES.–Once his loyal attorney general defending him against Department of Justice and FBI abuse, 73-year-old Bill Barr showed his sickening disloyalty, warning about 77-year-old President Donald Trump should he win a second term. Barr was called by the U.S. press “Trump’s lapdog” for his undying loyalty, because he believed in Trump’s presidency, delivering growing economy and peace around the world. Barr once admired Trump’s determination to reverse many of the counterproductive policies of former President Barack Obama that seem unduly biased toward Blacks and other minorities, leaving Whites to fend for themselves. Barr tried to defend Trump against outrageous accusations that he was a Russian asset, a fake narrative started by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton using paid opposition research AKA The Steele Dossier in 2016.

Barr’s falling out with Trump started when he couldn’t stop the former Obama Justice Department from persecuting Trump with false accusations of Russian collusion. Barr appointed former U.S. Atty. John Durham (R-Conn.) to get to the bottom of the Russian Hoax, but after two years he gave up trying to defend Trump. Barr was all in with Trump as long as it suited him. But after Trump lost the Nov. 3 presidential election, Barr threw Trump under the bus, eventually resigning Dec. 20, 2023. “Trump needs people around him who will push back and help keep him on the straight and narrow,” Barr said. Barr served Trump from Feb. 14, 2019 to Dec. 20, 2020, considered during his tenure as an ardent Trump backer. Vilified in the media, Barr was considered an unapologetic Trump ally. Barr got turned into an enemy after the Now. 3, 2020 election before he left office Jan. 20, 2021.

Barr is another former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a former loyal Trump follower until he was denied a Cabinet
position in 2016, eventually morphed into bitter enemy. Barr has paraded himself around liberal TV stations for publicity, capitalizing on the GOP’s anti-Trump movement only now hitting a crescendo as the 2024 primaries approach. “During his first term, the main way that could be done is by pointing out to him how this would hurt his prospects for a second term,” Barr said, suggesting that he kept Trump in line. But judging by the media’s dislike of Barr for defending Trump, it’s doubtful Barr did any of the push back he’s talking about. If anything, Barr fiercely defended Trump from a slurry of attacks from within and without government. Barr was disliked by the media which pushed the fake Russian Hoax that Trump colluded with Moscow.

Barr joins Christie, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Ut.) and others warning of the great dangers of a hypothetical Trump second term. None of Trump’s detractors spoke up during his first term because U.S. foreign policy and the economy were in good order. Barr says he worries about a second term but had none of those concerns during Turmp’s first term. “One of the reasons I’m against Trump as a nominee is because I don’t think he’s going to move the country forward ,” said Barr, making zero sense. Doe Barr think Trump needs guardrails or does he think that he doesn’t see a second term agenda? Barr can’t see under Biden that the country is at war with the Kremlin, getting closer to war with Communist China and has presided over an economy racked by inflation, forcing the Federal Reserve Board to hike interests rates. Barr makes no sense about Trump not moving the country forward.

Does Barr think Trump’s agenda of getting along with foreign adversaries and growing the U.S. economy are not worthy goals? When Trump came to office in 2017, he had to reverse many of the mistakes in foreign policy and the economy made by Obama. Eventually, Trump created his own agenda based on growing the economy through better trade deals and working with U.S. adversaries to strengthen cooperative relations. After three years in office, Biden has the U.S. in a bloody proxy war with Russia in Ukraine and an economy racked by high inflation, only controlled by skyrocketing interest rates. Barr says he’s worried about Trump taking revenge on Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans in a second term. Whatever Barr’s concerns, they’re purely his own, largely from betraying Trump for no reason. Trump gave Barr carte blanche while serving as attorney general.

Barr becomes part of the Chris Christie crowd that has a dog in the fight for the GOP nomination. He wants former U.S. Amb. Nikki Haley even though her foreign policy shows no degree of separation from 81-year-old President Joe Biden. Instead of just endorsing Haley, or the candidate of his choice, Barr gets nasty, making unfounded statements about Trump not having guardrails. Well, Barr worked for Trump for nearly two years, finding nothing that Trump did objectionable at the time, other than complaining about the 2020 vote. Trump continues to believe Democrats cheated him out his second term. Barr has a legitimate complaint about the way Trump handled his loss to Biden. But he certainly can’t say Trump doesn’t have a plan for fixing Biden’s horrific foreign relations pushing the planet to WW III and mismanaging the U.S. economy.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.