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Contrasting himself with 80-year-old President Joe Biden, 77-year-old former President Donald Trump silenced warmongering Democrats and the press, saying he would end Biden’s costly proxy war against the Russian Federation. To the extent that war-and-peace matters to ordinary Americans, Trump told Fox New Maria Bartiromo that he would end the war in 24-yours. Ukraine’s 45-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky said recently that Trump could not end the war, pretending that bankrupt, war-torn Ukraine calls the shots on the war. European Union [EU], U.N. and NATO knows that the Ukraine War is a U.S. proxy war against the Russian Federation, under the pretext that the war is about ousting the Russian Federation from Ukraine, a minor consideration at this point. American voters will chose, should Trump win the nomination, between war-and-peace.

Biden has stated he will continue his proxy war against the Russian Federation indefinitely, until public opinion and Congress turn against the billions he spends on Ukraine while American cities rot in disrepair. Biden refuses to let U.N. peacemakers take over the conflict, securing an immediate cease fire and peace talks. Whatever the damage to Ukraine, or more importantly, world peace, Biden keeps his wasteful and destructive proxy war going, all to have more leverage with 70-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin. White House and its Democrat-friendly press keep talking about Russian failures, with Biden saying recently that Putin has lost the war. No he hasn’t. U.S. Treasury and taxpayers have lost his reckless war in Ukraine that could be settled at the peace table not in the battlefield. Trump reminds voters that Biden is not fit for duty, not able to negotiate anything.

Trump told Bartiromo that he would tell Zelensky he must go the peace table, no if, ands or buts about it. Biden keeps the blank check going, paying Kiev government salaries and for more lethal weapons. Where has that got Ukraine? Decimated its infrastructure, setting the economy back decades, now bankrupt because of lousy decisions by Biden and Zelensky. Only the Ukrainian people suffer because of the warmongers at the White House and in Kiev. Putin was willing to settle the conflict, just not on Biden and Zelensky’s terms. He was willing, as he is today, to settle the conflict by keeping Donetsk and Luhansk independent and Crimea part of Russia. All the destruction, all the carnage and the humanitarian crisis could have been avoided it Biden or Zelensky would negotiate. Trump reminded voters that Biden is incapable of conducting U.S. foreign policy.

Trump made the contrast with Biden, the Democrat Party and the Democrat-controlled press clear as day. Elect Trump, end the war. That simple. “These are smart people, including Macron of France. I could go through the whole list of people, including Putin. . . . These are sharp, tough and generally vicious. They’re vicious, and they’re at the top of their game. We have a man that has no clue what’s happening. It’s the most dangersous time in the history of our country,” Trump said, reminding voters that it doesn’t have to be this way. Biden’s base doesn’t care about his disability. They care only about what’s promised to specific lobbying groups. Trump told Bartiromo that he would tell Zelensky it’s over. When it came to Putin Trump said, if you don’t end the conflict he’ll double down on supplying Ukraine more lethal weapons. Trump said the conflict would end in 24 hours.

Bartiromo was in disbelief listening to a very pragmatic Trump tell her how things would go down under his presidency. “So what should be the response?” asked Bartiromo. “You said you could end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. How would you do that?” “I know Zelensky very well. I felt he was a very honorable because when they asked him about the perfect phone call that I made, he said it was indeed, he said it was. He didn’t even know what they were talking about. He could have grandstanded,” Trump said. American voters know that Biden would keep the reckless and costly war going indefinitely, draining the U.S. Treasury. Trump said he knows Putin and Zelensky and would tell both of them, “no more.” Zelensky would complain but he can’t continue the fight without U.S. funding. Trump would cut Zelensky’s funding and get a deal with Putin to stop the war.

Whether the Democrat-controlled press likes it or not, Trump presented a clear alternative to Biden’s unending, costly and destructive proxy war. “I know Zelensky very well, and I know Putin very well. I would tell Zelensly, no more. You got to make a deal. I would tell Putin, if you don’t make a deal, we’re going to give him a lot. We’re going to [give Ukraine] more than they ever got if we have to.,” Trump told Bartiromo. Biden’s formula for winning the war has failed because he misjudged how Putin would defend Russia against U.S. and NATO attacks. Putin doesn’t see the war as between Ukraine and Russia, he sees it an existential war with the U.S. and NATO. Trump sees the big picture of what’s good for all parties. Not the misguided White House and U.S. press belief that war is the only answer.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.