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Meeting with now bankrupt 48-year-old Conspiracy talk show host Alex Jones, Kanye West spewed more anti-Semitic hate in a three-hour interview. Kanye already destroyed by his past anti-Semitic remarks, now goes big on Alex Jones show, stealing headlines but furtheing Kanye’s self-destruction. Nothing Kanye says makes any sense since he’s a known bipolar disorder that obviously doesn’t take his meds, something that no doubt broke up his marriage in 2021 to billionaire social Kim Kardashian. Going on the Alex Jones Show, the two fleeting celebrities lost everything with Jones receiving Nov. 10 a $1.5 billion verdict for claiming the Dec. 14, 2014 Sandyhook massacre was staged by gun control lobbyists. Jones and Kanye have much in common now, both radioactive for their outrageous statements resuling in both attention-seeking celebrities now pariahs.

Jones wrecked his career making foolish claims to his paranoia-starved audience, denying that the Sandyhook Elementary School massacre took place. Kanye for his part was once a successful rapper and fashion designer before the screws came loose with his bipolar disorder, for some reason fixating on Jews. “Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler,” West told Jones. Kanye’s clearly oblivious to the reality of the Holocaust but more importantly, the Nazi’s wholesale destruction of Europe in World War II, resulting in some 40 to 50 million deaths, some 28 million Russians alone. So singing the praises of Adolf Hitler may sit well with some whacked out groups but the German government understands what Hitler did to destroy the German people. Kanye’s bipolar disorder obviously leaves him detached from reality, in a world of his own.

Condemnations of Kanye’s hate speech came fast and furious from the Simon Wiesenthal Center global center for Intolerance and Holocaust studies. “Yes, Kanye, what Hitler brought to the table was genocide, racism, and a world war that killed tens-of-millions and almost destroyed our civilization,” said Rabbi Meyer May. Kanye doesn’t know his love of Hitler deeply offends all Europeans and Russians that lost 50 million citizens defeating Nazism. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel shamed former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for hosting Dec. 11, 2006 a Holocaust Deniers Conference in Tehran. Merkel told Ahamdinejad he should be ashamed of himself, knowing that that Nazis tried to exterminate all of European Jews. But whatever Kanye received following his off-the-wall remarks it shows a profound ignorance of history, knowing how many died fighting Nazis in WW II.

Watching his career implode from his recent anti-Semitic remarks, Kanye’s gone full-out rogue seeking an interview with recently bankrupted Alex Jones. Jones and Kanye find themselves in the same boat, etched into the annals depravity, no longer taken seriously. While there are always fringe groups Jones and Kanye can find, they’ve painted themselves into corner and are no longer taken seriously. Places like Wiesenthal Center or the Anti-Defamation League like to chime in on rising anti-Semitism but it gives lunatics like Jones and Kanye an audience they don’t deserve. Incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “it was misguided and wrong” for Trump to meet with Kanye Weat and Nick Fuentes. Most anti-Trump politicians took the opportunity to bring up Charlottesvilee where Trump Aug. 17, 2017 was misquoted defending white supremacists.

Department of Homeland Security recently reported that hate speech and anti-Semitic acts were on the rise. “Recent incidents have highlighted the enduring threat to faith-based communities, including the Jewish Community,” said the Homeland Security memo. Rising anti-Semitism stems not so much from white supremacist groups but from pro-Palestinian groups having sympathies in the so-called occupied territories in Israel. Even pro-Palestinian members of Congress like Rep. Rashid Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (R-Minn.) pander to Palestinian groups, often make disparaging comments about Jews. Jones’ interview of Kanye and Nick Fuentes offers the public nothing worthwhile because Kanye and Fuentes have virtually no following. Listening to mentally deranged former celebrities make incendiary remarks show only about their untreated mental illnesses.

Kanye’s cracks about Hitler should alert people to his untreated bipolar disorder where the 45-year-old former rapper and fashion designer no longer has a following. Kanye’s confused by his own Black culture that often permits Black preachers to spew anti-Semitic remarks in Sunday sermons. “At a time when anti-Semitism is on the rise, it is alarming that such vile rhetoric is given a platform and legitimized,” said Israel Amb. Michael Herzog.. “No society can have room for such hateful ideas,” Herzog said. No matter who expresses them,” referring to Kanye’s recent remarks. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.), condemned House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for not denouncing Trump for hosting Kanye and Fuentes. Cheney, who retires from Congress in a month, takes any opportunity to attack Trump. Whatever mistake Trump made, it pales in comparison to the lunatic fringe like Kanye and Feuentes.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.