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Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, 45, formerly head of the conservative Brothers of Italy Party, said her government would crack down of unlicensed rave parties, the latest a Halloween bash in Moderna, Italy attracting some 1,000 guests. Modern officials complained about unwanted traffic and noise in the area, something viewed as a nuisance by local officials. Socialist Party politicians accused Meloni of a fascist takeover of the Italian government. Meloni is simply making good on promises for more law-and-order in Italy, where problems with crime have gotten out of control, especially with immigrant populations largely from North Africa. “We have shown that the state won’t turn a blind eye and fail to act when faced with law-breaking,” Meloni told a news conference. Meloni has reaffirmed her commitment to the European Union and NATO, something her opponents used against her.

Meloni’s rise to power is a perfect example of how opposing political parties manufacture lies to advance their own left-wing agendas. Meloni was accused by the press of mounting a fascist Mussolini-like takeover of Italy, when all the happened was the people elected a conservative as prime minister Oct. 22. Meloni mentioned an even more wild rave party in Vietbro where two deaths were reported, with much damage to the environment. “The impression that the Italian state has given in recent years is one of being lax when it comes to respecting the rules and the law,” Melonia said. For that Meloni is accused of fascism by the press who prefer a socialist prime minister. Meloni’s government wants fine and jail time up to six years in prison for anyone violating government regulations regarding rave events. Meloni wants to prevent the drug overdoes and unruly conduct at rave parties.

Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said the new laws would apply to gatherings of 50 or more that pose a health or public order risk. Most EU countries struggle with drug abuse and other crimes related to it, despite government’s liberal policies giving wide latitude to drug abuse and crowd gatherings. Drug abuse deaths are up all over the Europe and the United States, prompting Meloni to do something about it. Movements to legalize cannabis haven’t exactly sent the right message to young people, thinking illicit drug use is now approve by most governments. Russia showed the West that its drug laws are far stricter, sentencing Aug. 4 WNBA star Brittney Griner to 9 years in a Russian Penal colony for drug possession in Moscow. Whether you agree or disagree with today’s lax drug law, Meloni tried to implement some law-and-order when it came to large gatherings associated with drug abuse.

Meloni wants life in Italy back to a time when drug abuse wasn’t so commonplace as it is today. Restricting the size of rave parties is only one small step in dealing with drug abuse problems facing European Union countries. Meloni’s election was seen as a referendum on illegal immigration, much the same way the Brexit passed in the U.K. June 23, 2016 because voters were tired of terrorist incidents on the London Tube and other venues. Cracking down on immigration was one of the issues that propelled former President Donald Trump into office in 2016, where communities around the country were tired on crime proliferating in immigrant rich areas. Meloni watched the rave shut down in Moderna, with guests sent home peacefully before Halloween. Local law enforcement in Italy appreciated Meloni’s support to maintaining law-and-order when it’s become difficult to implement.

Republican candidates heading into the Nov. 8 midterm election have been demonized as fascists by the opposition. President Joe Biden, 79, said Trump’s MAGA followers were “semi-fascists,” something on the ballot Nov. 8. Polls show that most voters are concerned about inflation and recession, not the least concerned with a fascist takeover in America. How anyone could think that a country that legalizes or at least approved medical marijuana is heading to fascism is anyone’s guess? Democrats, like socialist parties in Europe, like to accuse conservatives of fascist ways. Meloni should stand as the best example that conservatives seeks law-and-order without imposing martial law or fascist rules. When it comes to Meloni’s crack down on raves, it’s all about helping law enforcement save live and maintain order. In the U.S. conservatives are accused of racism and voter suppression.

Meloni’s recent victories show that conservative leaders are anything but fascist as accused by opposing political parties and their friends in the press. “Happy Hallowee to everyone, apart from those from half of Europe who came to cause chaos in Moderna in Italy with an illegal rave party,” said Matero Salvini, leader of the League party on Twitter. League is part of Melonia’s conservative coalition extending to Meloni’s Brothers of Italy Party and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia. Italian citizens, like other in the EU, crave law-and-order in their communities where too many drugs and too much violence create unwanted mayhem. Meloni has shown since taking office Oct. 22 that conservative politicians have the people in mind not the press that puts advancing a socialist agenda about all else. Saying she’s on the side of the EU and NATO has made it difficult to challenge Meloni.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.