Appearing on CNN’s “Don Lemon Show,” Fareed Zakaraia showed he’S a dangersous charlatan, opining about the U.S. involvement in Ukraine. Like Lemon, Fareed is more entertainer thaN real journalist, certainly not one to inform THE public about the real dangers of the Ukraine War. President Joe Biden, 79, has turned the Ukraine War into a proxy war against the Russian Federation, in the most dangerous foreign policy gambit in U.S. history. Zakaria said the Ukraine War was far worse than Sept. 11, where Osama bin Bln Laden’s Islamic terrorists decimated the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Pentagon, killing nearly 3,000 U.S. citizens. “What we are seeing is the return of great-power politics in the world after a 30-year holiday. That is a seismic event. This is a much bigger deal ant 9/11” Zakaria told Lemon, whipping up public support for Biden’s proxy war.
Zakaria said it’s the first time in 30 years that a foreign power has seized land of another sovereign power. Guess Fareed forgot when Russia seized South Ossetia and Abkhazia in 2008. Border disputes by with neighboring countries occur routinely in today’s world, like the 2020 dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Guess Fareed forgot what happened when Feb. 22, 2014 when a CIA-backed, pro-Western coup toppled the Kremlin-backed Kiev government of Viktor Yanukovych. Putin seized Crimea March 1, 2014 to protect his naval base in Sevastopol Crimea. No, to Zakaria he can spew platitudes, reducing the conflict to, “were on the right side.” Well, if the European Continent is set ablaze with WW III, does Zakaria really think Biden’s proxy war against Russia was the right thing to do? Commentators like Zakaria must be exposed for reckless rhetoric in tabloid news.
Zakaria spent his time on Lemon justifying Biden’s proxy war against the Russian Federation, even if it causes WW III, maybe nuclear war. Lemon and Zakaria won’t have their platform on CNN if New York or Los Angeles are hit with Russian ICBMs. “Here what you have is the most powerful nuclear power in the world is threatening to use that kind of strength, eve to use nuclear weapons to tear up the rules of the road that have governed international relations since 1945,” Zakaria, one of CNN’s entertainment journalists, has considerable sway with CNN’s audience. “No change of borders by force. No massive acquisition of territory. All these rules have thrown out of the window,” Zakaria said, making up stuff as he goes. Zakaria says nothing about how Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Biden Dec. 24, 2021, that if he didn’t renegotiate sew security arrangements, he would take ”military-tchnical measures.”
Zakaria rubber stamps the Biden’s administration’s proxy war against the Russian Federation, regardless of possible consequences to Ukraine and Europe. “We really have to recognize , were are in a new world, and I think the Biden administration is doing exactly the right thing in recognizing the scale of the problem, the scale of the stakes involved,” backing the war against the Russian Federation. Once thought unthinkable that two nuclear-armed superpowers would go to war against each other, the day has finally come. Zakaria acts like it’s a football match, picking sides to root for the home team. When it comes to consequence of Biden’s war to Europe and world peace, Zakaria talks about picking the “right” side. Zakaria mentions nothing about 68-year-old Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin saying in Ramstein, Germany April 26 that the goal of the Ukraine War is to degrade the Russian military.
Asking for a $33 billion in military and humanitarian funding, the White House hopes to convince the Kremlin to get out of Ukraine. Zakaria sees no problem with a U.S. proxy war against the Russian Federation, even if it results in WW III, “We’ve taken sides now on this. I think we’re on the right side. We cannot afford to lose,” Zakraia told Lemon, throwing his backing to endless proxy war against the Russian Federation. How about if Zakaria were on the side of ceasefire and peace talks in Istanbul, not on jumping on the warmongers’ bandwagon, seeing no choice other than unending proxy war. No one in the European Union or NATO is ready to sign on to Biden’s proxy war to degrade the Russian military or topple 69-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin. Zakaria is all in on Biden’s proxy war, won’t consider the potential consequences to Europe and world peace.
Today’s entertainment-based news shows brainwash far more citizens than any propaganda appearing on Social Networks. Lemon and Zakaria preach to the Biden choir, regardless of the consequences of WW III that could result from giving Ukraine a blank check to wag proxy war against the Russian Federation. Biden started backing Ukraine to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. When did the Ukraine War morph into degrading the Russia military, as Austin says, to the point it can no longer wage war? Would Zakaria accept if Russia and China decided to degrade the U.S. military? “And if that means Ukraine needs 10, 20,, 30, 22 billion dollars more in aid, well, the alternative is that Vladimir Putin wins, the Western democracies lose,” Zakaria told Lemon. What could be more self-destructive than let’s start WW III, possibly nuclear war, because Fareed doesn’t like Putin?