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Clashing in the U.S. Security Council, U.N. Amb. Linda Thomas-Greenfield repeated the Biden White House party line that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is “imminent,” despite denials by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Since when does the world mob a sovereign state for prognostication by the U.S. government and fake press? Russian U.N. Amb. Vasily Nebenzya pushed back against White House accusations of an “imminent” Russian invasion of Ukraine. “You are almost calling for this, you want it to happen, you’re waiting for it to happen, as if you want to make your words become a reality,” Nebenzya told the U.N. Security Council. White House accuses Russia of massing 100,000-plus troops near the Ukrainian border, in the biggest mobilization of Russian troops since the Cold War. U.S. and NATO have never confirmed the actual numbers of Russian troops.

Calling the Russian troop build up “the largest mobilization of troops in Europe in decades,” warning “if Russia further invades Ukraine, none of us will be able to say we didn’t see it coming. And the consequences will be horrific,” Thomas-Greenfield told the Security Council. What’s Thomas-Greenfield talking about “the largest mobilization of troops in Europe . . “ when the troops are inside the Russian border. Thomas-Greenfield needs to get her geography right that Russia isn’t in the European Continent. With basic facts wrong like that, how can anyone trust U.S. credibility? “We have never cited that figure, never confirmed that figure,” said Nebenzya, regarding the amount of Russian forces near the Ukrainian border. But whatever the number, a sovereign nation has a right to mass whatever number of troops in wants inside its own borders, without other nations jumping to conclusions.

Nebenzya pointed out how the Security Council recalls former Secretary of State Colin Powell claiming that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction [WMD]. After a bloody war that lasted eight years killing 4,431 U.S. soldiers, not to mention thousands more Iraqis, WMD was never found. “They didn’t find any weapons,” Nebenzya said. “But what happened with that country is well known to one and all,” bringing up U.S. credibility problems. Nebenzya wants the Security Council to know that all the fake U.S. press reports have no real verification, only wild speculation about what goes on inside Russia’s borders. Showing the disconnect, President Joe Biden in a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky disagreed over whether a Russian invasion was “imminent.” Zelensky depends heavily on the U.S. but still argued with Biden.

Battling in the U.N. Security Council doesn’t not reflect the diplomacy needed to resolve the Ukraine crisis amicably. If Thomas-Greenfield can’t get her geography straight, how can anyone trust anything she says about the Russian troop build up near the Ukrainian border? Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered Moscow “a diplomatic path forward,” but refused to make any concessions about Russian national security. Putin has asked Biden to stop supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine, too close for comfort to the Russian Federation. Putin said Russia simply have no where to go with NATO supplying military adviser and lethal weapons to Ukraine. Blinken rejected all of Putin’s requests to deny Ukraine NATO membership and to withdraw NATO troops in Eastern Europe to 1997 levels. Whatever concessions Biden can make, he should show some compromise in the name of peace.

Thomas-Greenfield said the U.S. was open to a diplomatic solution but saw no effort of Russia’s part to de-escalate the Ukraine crisis. “If this is truly about Russia’s security concerns in Europe, we’re offering them the opportunity to discuss those concerns at the negotiating table,” Thomas-Greenfield said. “If they refuse to do so,” Thomas-Greenfield said. “The world will know why and who is responsible,” sounding condescending toward the Russian side. Putin has expressed in writing his concerns about what’s happening in Ukraine and other parts of Eastern Europe. So far, Biden has offered Putin no concessions about the U.S. and NATO allies are currently arming Ukraine to the teeth, fully expecting Russia to invade in the very near future. Russian officials, led by Putin, have told the U.S., EU and NATO that the Russian Federation has no intent of invading Ukraine.

Instead of the Thomas-Greenfield accusing Russia of not cooperating, a more diplomatic approach would be less accusatory of who’s right-or-wrong. “We continue to hope Russia chooses the path of diplomacy over the path of conflict in Ukraine, but we cannot just wait and see.” If Thomas-Greenfield thinks sending lethal weapons to Ukraine helps the diplomatic situation, she’s vastly mistaken. All her finger pointing at Russia doesn’t acknowledge what the U.S., EU and NATO has done by turning Ukraine into an ammunition dump to eventually attack the Russian Federation. Putin has asked for a reasonable response to his letter asking the U.S. and NATO for security guarantees in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Whatever the U.S. can or can’t do, Biden should work feverishly to give peace a chance in Ukraine. As long as Biden arms Ukraine to the teeth, peace is a fleeting fantasy.