Sinking in the ratings since 75-year-old former President Donald Trump left office Jan. 20, 2021, the left wing media has taken their ire out on Fox News, receiving a surge in viewership, now eclipsing rivals CNN and MSNBC by a long shot. CNN and MSNBC have watched their ratings crater while Fox New has gone up like a rocket. When it comes to the deadly novel coronavirus pandemic, the liberal networks now pounce on popular Fox New host Tucker Carlson who likes to give the contrarian view on vaccines and masking. “You can’t walk away from the facts. And the facts are stunningly obvious,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said at the White House pandemic response team briefing. Fauci responded to the Washington Post saying that Carlson’s segment was the “most dishonest and dangerous pandemic segment yet,” referring to an appearance by former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson.

Berenson told Tucker that the mRNA vaccines, from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, were a “dangerous and ineffective product that “don’t really work at all against Omicron, the new variant now accounting for 99.7% of Covid-19 cases in the U.S. Fauci and the left-wing press have been attacking Carlson and Fox News for offering an alternative view about the vaccine and its ability to fight the Omicron variant. Called “The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man,” by Atlantic Magazine, they accuse Bersonson and Fox News of disseminating dangerous propaganda about vaccines to the public. White House officials boast about 75% of the U.S. population that’s had at least one does of either the mRNA or adenovirus vaccines. Only 63.4% have received at least two vaccines doses, with only 40.3% receiving booster or third does of the original vaccines, leaving a lot of susceptible citizens.

Liberal cable news networks like CNN and MSNBC try to get back their ratings by attacking Fox New as a “propaganda network.” But liberal cable networks spent four years using the airwaves to accuse Trump as serving the Russian government. Even today the same irrational voices on CNN accuse Fox News, of all things, of taking Russian President Vladimir Putin’s side. CNN host Don Lemon spent his Jan. 25 show calling Fox News a propaganda network for, among other things, showing respect to Russian President Putin. Trump was accused by CNN and MSNBC for colluding with dictators like Putin, making it impossible to improve U.S.-Russian relations. With 79-year-old President Joe Biden U.S.-Russian relations have hit rock bottom, almost to the point of blows. Liberal publications like the New York Times have nearly pushed Biden into WW III.

Fauci likes to talk about the “facts,” as long as he can make up whatever facts suits his defense of his work. When he was called out by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) under oath in the U.S. Senate July 20, 2021, Fauci stomps his feet, calling Paul a liar. Fauci has been caught red handed funneling money to the tune of $15 million to his friend New York-based EcoHealth Alliance CEO Peter Daszak who spent million on bat coronvirus experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. When Paul dared to call the experiments “gain-of-function” research, increasing the infectiousness of bat coronaviruses, Fauci went ballistic. Fauci told Paul, he resents the insinuation that he had anything to do with creating the deadly novel coronavirus. But clearly giving money to Wuhan Institute of Virology chief virologist Shi Zhengli’s lab held create the virus. Fauci has covered up from the beginning a lab leak origin of the virus.

Fauci says he has the facts on his side yet he’s presented zero evidence that the deadly novel coronavirus emerged naturally in Wuhan. Published email under the Freedom of Information Act show Daszak thanking Fauci for supporting the natural occurrence theory. Daszak was the first U.S.-based scientist to pull a group of 27 scientists together to reject the lab leak theory way back in February 2020. Daszak also led the World Health Organization investigation to Wuhan China in 2021, concluding that the lab leak theory was the least likely explanation for the deadly novel coronavirus. Neither Fauci nor Daszak said anything when Chinese Communist Party spokesman Zhao Lijian said March 13, 2020 that the deadly virus was made in America and planted in Wuhan by the U.S. military. Lijian made his statement only two days after WHO declared a global pandemic March 11, 2020.

When it comes to basic facts about the deadly novel coronavirus, Fauci has been covering up the origin of the virus because he “resents” any suggestion that he has blood on his hand for supporting Shi Zhengli’s “gain of function” research. Zhengli took, with the help of U.S. and foreign scientists, harmless bat coronviruses and engineered them into the most contagious pathogens known to humankind. Fauci said he never funded “gain of function” research, but he gave Daszak’s EcoHealth alliance who gave Zhengli at least $600,000 for her bat coronavirus experiments. “Sen. Paul, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” Fauci told Paul July 20, 2021 under oath in the U.S. Senate. No one in the liberal press asks Fauci anything about the National Institute’s of Health [NIH] funding Zhengli’s experiments through EcoHealth Alliance. Fauci continues to cover up the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus.