Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, 59, had his Michael Cohen moment, Trump’s former personal attorney, stabbing 75-uyear-old President Donald Trump in the back. Christie told ABC “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos that the Jan. 6 riots were orchestrated from the top of Trump’s dead end administration, probably with “C-level” players. But leave it to Christie who left as New Governor Jan. 16, 2016 in disgrace after the notorious Bridgegate Scandal Sept. 9, 2013 in which Christie ordered the closure of the double-deck George Washington Bridge to retaliate against Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for not backing his reelection bid for governor. So, now Christie, who’s been all sour grapes since he was not given a position in the Trump administration, lashes out with Democrat political hack George Stephanopoulos. Christie hoped to throw his hat in the ring for president in 2024.
Republicans have a long memory, especially for turncoats who, for opportunistic reasons, betray fellow Republicans. Like Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.), who joined forces with Democrats to vote for Trump’s Jan. 6 impeachment, Christie demonstrated his cutthroat side, telling Stephanopoulos everything he wanted to hear. While the House Democrat Select Committee continues to investigate Trump’s role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, Christie was just the man for the interview. Like other RINO [Republican In Name Only] Republicans, Christie was just the right guy to denounce Trump. Just like 74-year-old Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Ut.), he’s always welcome in the liberal press when Mitt wants to chirp about Trump. “It seems like, every single day, Chris Christie, we’re learning more about what was going on inside the White House in those days leading up to Jan. 6,” Stephanopoulos told Christie.
Christie had no problems feeding Stephaopoulos everything he wanted to hear, hoping to eventually bring criminal charges against the former president. When the Senate impeachment trial failed to convict Trump Feb. 13, 2020, it wasn’t enough for Democrats, humiliated at losing their impeachment case against Trump. So, when Democrats took over the House and Senate after President Joe Biden’s big win Nov. 3, 2020 against Trump, it was a matter of time before 80-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to get another shot at Trump. What better testimony than to get a disgraced Republican governor to denounce Trump. “I mean, the president made it very clear that he did not want to concede the election, that he would not concede the election . . “ Christie said. Stephanopooulos, the Democrat political-hack-turned-journalist, likes to interview Republican that attack their own Party.
Christie insisted that of the million people that attended Trump final speech as president Jan. 6 at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C., only a few hundred bad apples part of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, decided to ransack the Capitol. Yes, Trump thought Democrats stole the election from him. But that a big leap suggesting that the Jan. 6 Capitol violence was orchestrated by the White House. “And you got a bunch of people around him by the time we go to the end, with very few exceptions, that were C-level players, at best, on their best day,” Christie said, showing the lingering sour grapes have aced out of any job at the Trump White House. Trump couldn’t appoint Christie to any meaningful position because he was potentially under criminal indictment for the New Jersey Bridgegate Scandal. Christie was radioactive by the time Trump’s transition teamt tried to fill White Housel positions.
Christie knows nothing other than wildly speculating with former Bill Clinton’s press secretary. “There were plenty of people on the outside who were telling him this is over, and you need to concede. He didn’t want to hear that,” Christie told George. George was barely able to contain his glee listening to Trump’s debate trainer lash out at his former boss, just like Michael Cohen. Cohen, like Christie, and other RINOS like Romney and Liz Cheney, love to lash out at Trump, but all have zero credibility. Christie’s attempt to denounce Trump put the last nail in his political career, certainly running for president in 2024. “In the end, the facts are going to come out, but let’s not kid ourselves. This was a driven-from-the-top process executed by C-team players. And that’s why it looked like the Keystone Cops operation, because it was,” Christie said to Stephanopoulos’ delight.
Christie orchestrated his own demise in politics, trying to punish Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich in the Bridgegate Scandal. Liberal broadcast and print outlets like to quote Republicans attacking Trump, getting a big fish with Christie going out on a limb. But nothing that Christie says has any facts other than more wild speculation that Trump was directly involved in ordering the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and others to lash out Jan. 6 at the Capitol. Democrats lost their impeachment trial Feb. 13, 2020 because they accused Trump of “incitement of insurrection,” saying the Jan. 6 rioters tried to overthrow the U.S. government. Only Democrat hacks like Stephanopoulos call the Jan. 6 riot an insurrection. No one in the liberal press wants to acknowledge the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was blowback for the months of riots, looting, arson and anarchy in Summer 2020, all supported by Democrat elected officials.