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When 78-year-old President Joe Biden spoke July 17 to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence [ODNI], he warned of a “real shooting war” if Russia and China did not stop cyber-crime against the United States. Threatening Russia and China is no way to win-friends-and-influence-people, especially since Biden has been slamming both countries since taking office. U.S.-Russian and U.S.-Chinese relation are at loggerheads over a variety of petty issues, with 58-year-old Secretary of State Antony Blinken ripping the two U.S. competitors for human rights abuses. At a get-to-know-you summit March 18 in Anchorage, Alasaka with China, Blinken and 44-year-old National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan accused Beijing of genocide against Muslim Uyghurs in Western China’s Xinjiang province. Whatever re-education camps go on for Uyghurs, there’s no genocide going in Xinjiang.

Biden met briefly for a summit with 68-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin June 16 in Geneva, Switzerland, covering an array of topics but focusing on recent ransomware attacks that shut down the Colonial Pipeline and Brazilian-based JBS meatpacking company, disrupting energy and food supplies to the East Coast. Democrats and their friends in the press have complained about Russian interference in the 2016 and 2020 election, supplying no proof to Moscow, yet making wild accusations about Russian meddling. Biden discussed what U.S. intel agencies call Russian-based cyber gangs hacking U.S. military and government programs, like SolarWinds network management software, used by numerous government and Pentagon agencies. Whatever happens with criminal gangs in Russia, China, the U.S. or anywhere else, is not the direct responsibility of sovereign governments.

Telling 120 staff and administrators at the ODNI that cyber crime could lead to a “real shooting war” only antagonizes an already tense situation with Russia and China, both nuclear superpowers capable of repelling any U.S. attack or any other country. Threatening Russia and China shows that Biden lacks the judgment needed for commander-in-chief. Biden told the ODNI staff that Putin had “a real problem,” boasting about U.S. intel capabilities, referring to past reports that Russia interfered in U.S. elections and democracy. But when push-comes-to-shove, U.S. intel agencies could not point to one vote being changed in the 2016 or 2020 presidential elections as a result of alleged Russian interference. Past U.S. intel assessments of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein indicate that they get things wrong, especially when it came to Saddam’s alleged stockpile of weapons of mass destruction.

Biden tasked 52-year-old Director of National Intelligence [DNI] Avril Haines May 26 with finding out the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus. Intel agencies have no better access to the facts than the scientific community that’s analyzed for the past 20 months the origin of the virus. Heading up Biden’s Covid-19 task force, 80-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health [NIH], insists the virus occurred naturally in Wuhan, China. Fauci presents zero evidence only his hunch based on his longstanding research collaboration with Communist China and its client, the U.N.’s World Health Organization. Both Fauci and 56-year-old WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom spew Chinese Communist Party propaganda that the virus was not leaked from Shi Zhengli’s bioweapons lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. [WIV]. Neither Fauci nor Tedros have any proof of their claims.

When it comes to relying on U.S. intel agencies, it’s doubtful that Biden will get any closer to finding out the origin of the deadly novel coronavirus. Insulting Russia and China and threatening possible war if the cyber attacks don’t stop exposes for all to see how Biden is endangering U.S. national security. Biden couldn’t stop himself from leaking nonsense to the ODNI staff. “He’s ]Putin’s] sitting on top of an economy that has nuclear weapons and oil wells and nothing else. Nothing else. There is economy is, what? The eighth smallest in the world now? He knows he’s in real trouble, which makes him even more dangerous, in my view,” Biden said, in an incoherent rant. How does insulting Russia’s economy help Biden to deal with alleged Russian-based cyber-crime impacting U.S. infrastructure? Biden’s yammering to the ODNI shows incredibly poor judgment

Insulting Russia and China and threatening a “real shooting war” if they don’t rein in cyber crime are outrageous remarks for the commander-in-chief. No one at the Pentagon wants to hear Bidien threatening possible WW III over alleged cryber-crimes, let along insulting the Russian Federation, saying all the have is nuclear weapons and oil. Biden forgot that NASA paid the Russian Space Agency $350 million to ferry U.S. astronauts to-and-from the International Space Station for the last 10 years. Does that sound like a country with only oil and nuclear weapons? “Claiming there is nothing else in Russia is wrong,” said Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov.”(The United States) can hardly be called a partner. It is more like an opponent or a ‘vis-à-vis,’” Peskov said. Biden’s public remarks show a degree of recklessness and bad judgment that must be looked at carefully before it’s too late.