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Hounded out of office by a relentless Democrat and media witch-hunt, 67-year-old U.S. Atty. in the Southern District of Manhattan Cyrus Vance continues his prosecution of 75-year-old former President Donald Trump and the Trump Organization. Vance has been too holed up in his partisan witch-hunt to realize that Trump is no longer president, harassed for years by Democrats and the press until universal mail-in ballots did in the former president Nov. 8, 2020. Democrats and the press did everything possible to get Trump out of office with two failed impeachment trials, all on bogus articles of impeachment. But what Democrats in the House of Representatives couldn’t do, Democrats hoped the final insult of a grand jury investigation would finally put Trump or members of his organization behind bars. Members of the press are cheering Vance on to humiliate Trump one last time.

Trump’s personal attorney Ron Fischetti said today that Vance’s office told him that Trump will not be subject to indictment this time around, focusing instead of Trump Organization 73-year-old CFO Allen Weiselberg for income tax evasion on perks not reported for free apartment rentals, tuition assistance and leased cars. “There is no indictment coming down this week against the former president,” Fischetti said. “I can’t say he’s out of the woods yet,” attesting to the partisan nature of Vance’s investigation. “After hundreds of subpoenas, over 3 million pages of documents, 4 years of searching dozens and dozens of interviews, and millions of dollars of taxpayer funds wasted, the continue to be “in search” of a crime,” Trump alleged, calling Vance’s investigation the “greatest witch-hunt of all time.” Going after under or unreported fringe benefits is not grounds for a grand jury.

Spurred on by Democrats and the press, they would like nothing more than to retaliate against Trump one last time, putting him in his retirement behind bars. But based on the nature of the charges, it certainly looks like Vance’s grand jury probe has done more for New York Times and CNN than anything else. What could be more perverted gossip than talking about Trump’s alleged criminal conduct? After all, Democrats and the press accused Trump for his four years in office of colluding with the Kremlin, letting partisan hacks like House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) fabricate lies about Trump’s alleged ties with Moscow. Democrats were in their heyday charging Trump with high-crimes-and-misdemeanors twice, only to watch their fake cases fizzle in the U.S. Senate. Focusing on unreported fringe benefits is a new low for Vance’s office.

Even if Vance presses ahead with charges to save face after years of investigation, it’s likely the charges will be eventually dropped. When it comes to Trump’s valuations of real estate, it’s a slippery slope to question whether properties have been over-or-under valued for any purpose, whether for tax write offs or insurance purposes. So when it comes to additional charges against Trump or his organization, Vance has made a mockery of the grand jury system, dragged into place to persecute a former president for purely political purposes. No one at Vance’s office is looking into the millions 78-year-old President Joe Biden made in China through a series of shell corporations to shield his involvement while he enriched himself and his family before-and-after serving as Vice President under former President Barack Obama. No, the New York Times and CNN want to see Trump suffer.

Trump’s personal income tax records have been a press obsession since he refused to release them since taking office. House Democrats in harassing Trump for the documents hoped it would show his involvement with the Kremlin. When that didn’t happen, Vance shifted his attention to any minor infraction at the Trump Organization. Weiselberg, who’s spent his career as Trump’s CFO, has little to add to Democrats and the media’s obsession with Trump. “We’re just waiting,” Fischetti said, saying he’ll know this week whether charges are made. Charges “are limited to a couple of Trump Org employees who didn’t declare taxes on fringe benefits” received. Fischettt called Vance’s potential charges “absolutely outrageous,” saying, it’s extraordinary to bring grand jury charges for such petty crimes. Vance’s case against Trump should offend everyone, except extreme partisans.

Instead of ending the grand jury once Trump lost the Nov. 8 election, Vance decided to move full-steam ahead to pile on the former president. Using the U.S. Attorneys Office to go after Trump and his organization for business technicalities that are best left to the IRS shows that Vance is long overdue for retirement schedule for Dec. 31, 2021. Vance should resign in disgrace for his politically-charged prosecution of the former president. It also shows how agencies of the U.S. justice system are abused for political purposes. When former FBI Director James Comey launched a counterintelligence investigation into Trump while he was running for president, he had the backing of the Obama Justice Department, CIA and National Security Agency. If Vance had any integrity, he would have investigated the Obama White House’s egregious abuse of the National Security Apparatus to investigate Trump.