by drjmcurtis | May 4, 2021
Leaking a confidential briefing of Australian Maj. Gen. Adam Findlay to Special Forces in April 2020, Findlay warned about a high likelihood of armed conflict with Beijing over Taiwan. Findlay said that Australia was already competing with Beijing in “Grey Zone,”...
by drjmcurtis | May 3, 2021
In a new revelation about the Steele Dossier, former British MI6 agent Christopher Steele admitted to a second dossier produced exclusively for 60-year-old former FBI Director James Comey. Fearing that using former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid...
by drjmcurtis | May 3, 2021
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, 58, is trying to put together a coalition against Russia and China, a dangerous strategy since many other sovereign states depend on China or Russia for manufacturing and energy. Under 68-year-old Russian President Vladimir...
by drjmcurtis | May 3, 2021
Talking tough to CBS “60 Minutes” about China’s disrupted the “rules based order,” 58-year-old Secretary of State Blinken said all the wrong things heading into the G7 summit in London starting May 3. Blinken and 44-year-old National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan...
by drjmcurtis | May 2, 2021
Speaking to G7 ministers in London today, 47-year-old British Foreign Secretary Dominique Raab said the G7 will make a concerted effort of combat Russian and Chinese propaganda. Raab showed he knows next to nothing about propaganda, saying he was “getting the G7 to...