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Proving why 62-year-old former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn wasn’t fit for duty as National Security Adviser or anything else, the former Trump appointee says the Covid-19 was fabricated “to gain control of society.” Flynn and his 32-year-old son Michael Flynn Jr. concocted the Oct. 30, 2016 Pizzagate story that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was a connected to a Wasthington pedophile cult, something they though would hurt her election bid. Shortly after Trump won the Nov. 8, 2016 presidential election, Edgar Maddison Welch walked into D.C.’s Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria Dec. 4, 2016 shooting up the place with AR-15 assault rifle, claiming the pizzeria was a front for a Washington pedophile cult. Michael Flynn Jr. whipped up the QAnon conspiracy, culminating in the unprovoked attack. Former President Donald Trump did nothing top dispel the myth.

When it leaked that Michael Flynn Jr. was behind the QAnon conspiracy resulting in the shootout at Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria, he was abruptly fired Dec. 7, 2016, trying to salvage his father’s credibility. But long before the QAnon shootout, former President Barack Obama recognized Flynn, as head Defense Intelligence Agency, was unfit for duty and fired him Aug. 7, 2014. It took Obama two years to figure out that Flynn was unfit for duty due largely to his kooky ideas and propensity to believe in conspiracy theories. When Flynn came to office Jan. 20, 2017, its took the FBI four days to set him up in a perjury trap over doing nothing special talking to former Russian Amb. Sergey Kislyak. Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice ordered Flynn wiretapped, trying to set him up for violating the 1799 arcane Logan Act, prohibiting private citizens from conducting U.S. foreign policy.

Rice knew that Flynn didn’t violate the Logan Act or anything else, trying to do his job as National Security Adviser before he took office. Obama had drivien U.S.-Russian relations to new lows, expelling 35 Russian diplomats from Washington Dec. 31, 2016, only three weeks before the inauguration. When Rice ordered the wiretapping of Flynn, Democrats and the FBI pushed a fake narrative based on Hillary’s paid opposition research designed to discredit Trump’s campaign. Hillary’s fake “Steele Dossier” was used by Democrats to de-legitimize Trump’s presidency, something never accepted by Democrats or their friends in the press. Flynn was snared in the media’s conspiracy to wreck Trump’s presidency, culminating in his loss to 78-year-old President Joe Biden Nov. 3, 2020. Trump was thoroughly disgusted with the outcome knowing it was purely a media hit job.

Whatever election fraud Trump talked about, it was, as 70-year-old former Atty. Gen. Bill Barr said, not significant. What was significant was the colossal conspiracy by the nation’s biggest media organizations to sabotage Trump’s presidency and wreck his credibility. By the time the Nov. 3, 2020 election rolled around, it wasn’t so much fraud but death by a thousand cuts by a corrupt media that took sides against Trump during his four years in office. Trump did little to confront the media’s fake narrative but, in the end, it succeeded at demonizing Trump, setting up a Biden victory. If Trump believes that voter fraud was built off the media’s relentless fake narrative, he’s be right, not the universal mail-in ballots that sent ballots willy-nilly to every citizen, legal or not, around the country. No one will ever know the extent of the press conspiracy to destroy Trump’s bid for a second term.

When Flynn talks about “gaining control of society,” he’s off base when accusing Covid-19 of being fabricated manipulate the public. There’s no question that Covid-19 was the biggest issue weighing on voters minds in the 2020 election. With the media spreading constant falsehoods about Trump’s bungling to the Covid-19 crisis, they gave him zero credit for Operation Warp Speed, developing safe-and-effective vaccines in record time. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris ridiculed Trump’s forecasts about vaccines, saying the public shouldn’t trust anything developed under Trump. Once Biden and Harris won the election, they were 100% behind the vaccines. “When you look a round the world, why do all these places not have the problems that we keep getting beat over the head and shoulders on in this country when it comes to Covid? asked Flynn, making zero sense.

Flynn’s off-the-wall as usual suggesting that the Covid-19 problems were unique to the United States. If Flynn wants to argue that Democrats and the media used Covid-19 as their major campaign issue to discredit Trump’s reelection bid that’s perfectly reasonable. It’s doesn’t get any more egregious than the press raising doubts about Trump’s forecasts about expected vaccines. Pfizer announced its emergency use authorization for its vaccine Nov. 15, only one week after the election. Trump was 100% accurate forecasting the timing of the vaccine’s release. Yet Democrats and the press hammered Trump before the vaccines’ release. Fynn’s son Michael Jr. knew the Pizzagate scandal was utter rubbish, raising the public’s awareness of QAnon, the nonsense conspiracy theory about a pedophile cult in Washington, trying to get votes for Trump before the election.