Since taking office Jan. 20, 78-year-old President Joe Biden has done nothing but slam Russian President Vladimir Putin, getting into a beef over past alleged meddling in U.S. elections and more recently a hacking scandal with software developer SolarWinds. Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken followed suit, ripping Putin for incarcerating Russian dissident Alex Navalny. For some unknown reason, Bide thinks it’s OK to wreck what’s left of U.S.-Russian relations, driving to Cold War lows while he served a former President Barack Obama’s Vice President. Back then, Obama decided, three weeks before leaving office, to oust 35 Russian Washington-based Russian diplomats, all because of alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election. All U.S. intel agencies couldn’t prove that Russian influence changed one U.S. vote yet Obama concluded the Kremlin must be punished.
For the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, he was accused by intel agencies and the U.S. press of colluding with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election, all because a few hacks attributed to Russia embarrassed former Secretary State Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Democrat Party. U.S. intel agencies, including the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency [NSA], all used Hillary’s paid opposition research AKA “The Steele Dossier,” making fake claims about Trump’s contacts with Russia. Two years and $40 million Special Counsel investigation proved that Trump or his 2016 campaign had no contacts with Russia. Yet the media and U.S. intel community continued the false narrative leading up to Biden’s current disaster. Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos today that Putin was a “soulless killer,” in the most egregious abuse of presidential authority imaginable in remarks about a foreign leader.
Biden’s comments to Stephanopoulos tell a very different story about Biden’s mental fitness to continue as commander-in-chief. It showed that his cognitive decline, denied by the media and Democrats, have caused harm to U.S. foreign policy. Whatever Biden’s private thoughts about Putin, they shouldn’t be shared with the press, especially inexcusable slander, having no basis in reality. Even if Biden really thinks Putin is “soulless killer,” it’s completely unacceptable, inexcusable and inappropriate to make those comments. Stephanopoulos bated Biden, clarifying if Joe really believed what he said because it seemed so astonishing. When Biden confirmed his thoughts, it showed Joe’s lack of internal controls needed to conduct the presidency both domestically and in foreign policy. Joe’s remarks showed he’s got no filter left to know what’s appropriate to talk about in public.
In response to Biden’s remarks to Stephanopoulos, Russia called its ambassador to the United States back to Moscow for consultation. Even in the worst of the Cold War, there hasn’t been a time when Moscow called back its ambassador. Biden told Stephanapoulos that Putin would “pay a price,” in what looked like a direct threat, over more wild speculation about Russian influence in American democracy. Biden’s threat seems based on new intel reports that indicated that Russia favored Trump in the 2020 election. What foreign leader doesn’t have preferences for various political figures? Clearly Putin would have preferred working with a U.S. partners that didn’t call him a “soulless killer,” or use verified intel reports to leap to irrational conclusions about Russian influence in U.S. elections or democracy. Biden won the U.S. election by a fairly wide margin Nov. 3, 2020.
Even in the 2016 election, Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million margin, proving Hillary’s theory wrong that Russia influenced the outcome. Biden went too far slamming Putin, when the U.S. and European Union [EU] need Russia as a reliable energy partner, and, more recently, to supply life-saving vaccines to the EU to make up for today’s vaccine shortages. Calling back Russian Amb. Anatoly Anonov, the Russian Foreign Ministry wants to reassess its relations to the U.S. Russia wants to send a message to Biden and the State Department that the same contempt can’t go unabated. Whatever Biden’s problems with self-control, that same lack of common sense can’t continue on the world stage. U.S. media outlets won’t call Biden or Blinken out for acting like bulls in a China shop. Putin is one of the world’s most influential leaders, greatly needed by the U.S. and EU.
Biden couldn’t be more wrong thinking that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyean and European Council Presdient Charles Michel want to confront Putin when it comes to Navalny or any other issue. EU gets 40% of its natural gas and 30% of its petroleum from Russia and doesn’t want Biden making relations worse. When Putin annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula March 1, 2014, Obama and Biden did nothing, other that talking about beefing up NATO. No one in the EU wants a confrontation with Moscow, especially over someone as extraneous to EU and U.S. foreign relations as Navalny. “The main thing for us is to determine the ways in which the difficult Russian-American relations that Washington has led into a dead end and in recent years could be rectified,” said Russian Foreign Ministry Spokewoman Maria Zakharova. Biden needs more self-control.