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Dredging up old news now that the Senate Judiciary Committee is in Democrat hands, 65-year-old Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) plans to ask newly minted Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland to find out whether the FBI probe into 56-year-old Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh ever took place. Kavanaugh was accused by 54-year-old Cristine Blasey Ford of attempted rape while at a high school party some 35 years ago. Democrats said they believed Blasey Ford even though her key witness, her high school best friend Leland Keyser, had no recollection of ever attending a house party way back when. While the Senate voted on party lines [50-48] to approve Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court Oct. 6, 2018, Whitehouse wants Garland to waste more time with another useless witch hunt. Whatever the FBI said or didn’t say, Kavanaugh was approved.

Whitehouse doesn’t want to ask Garland to investigate the FBI illegal counterintelligence investigation and wiretapping of Trump’s 2016 campaign and presidency. He sees no problem with a known conspiracy inside the Bureau led by former FBI Director James Comey to do whatever was necessary to stop Trump from becoming president. Or, once president, accusing Trump of Russian collusion, continuing to investigate his White House. No, Whitehouse wants more dirt on Kavanaugh, someone who’s done an excellent job at the Supreme Court since approved Oct. 6, 2018. Whitehouse complains that the FBI didn’t interrogate Blasey Ford or Kavanaugh as key witnesses, something so preposterous it’s laughable. So if the FBI asked Blasey Ford if she told the truth, she would say, yes. If the Bureau interrogated Kavanaugh he would say Blasey Ford’s charge never happened.

Whitehouse also complains that the FBI didn’t follow up on a “tip line,” to get anonymous calls about what happened in some murky memory of Blasey Ford that she was sexually groped in a bedroom, on the second story of some house in a D.C. suburb, a murky uncorroborated memory from Blasey Ford’s childhood. “This was unique behavior in my experience, as the Burerau is usually amenable to information and evidence; but it this matter the shutters, the drawbridge drawn up, and there was no point of entry by which members of the public or Congress could provide information to the FBI,” Whitehouse said. Whitehouse knows that Blasey Ford gave her murky, uncorroborated memory from the her childhood, somehow that she attributed to Brett Kavanaugh, even though she was two years behind Kavanuagh in school making her a high school freshman.

Dredging up Blasey Ford is a smokescreen for Democrats knowing that Garland might have to deal with U.S. Atty. and Special Counsel John Durham (R-Conn.) when he releases his report about the origins of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane probe. Durham was looking carefully at former FBI Director James Comey’s probable cause for going to the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act [FISA] Court to wiretap Trump’s 2016 campaign. Former Atty. Gen. Bill Barr said April 10, 2019 that Comey spied on Trump’s campaign. Comey bristled April 11, 2019, saying he didn’t know what Barr was talking about when he referred to spying. Comey insisted he had legitimate cause to seek wiretaps on Trump’s campaign. Comey insisted he had probable cause to investigate Trump, other that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research AKA “the Steele Dossier,” completely discredited rubbish.

How ironic that Whitehouse wants to dredge up useless information about Kavanaugh, with Democrats still trying tilt the conservative High Court back to its liberal bent. There’s plenty of probable cause for Garland to investigate Comey and upper FBI brass that tried to sabotage Trump 2016 campaign. Durham has plenty of text messages and emails from former FBI agent Peter Strzok and his lover, FBI Atty. Lisa Page, talking about what they could do to stop Trump from becoming president. Whitehouse has no interest in what actually happened at the FBI under Comey’s leadership before he was fired by Trump May 9, 2017. Whitehouse wants to saddle Garland with extraneous investigations when there’s plenty to investigate at the FBI under Comey’s watch. Everyone knows that interviewing Blasey Ford or Kavanaugh would produce nothing other than what already known.

Senate Judiciary Committee has a lot to look into, just not dredging up the Brett Kavanaugh-Christine Blasey Ford episode. Blasey Ford testified under oath his best recollection of what happened some 35 years before, citing her best friend Leland Keyser as her key witness during Kavanaught’s alleged attempted rape. Unfortunately for Blasey Ford, Keyser has no recollection of attending any party at a private house or anywhere else with Blasey Ford and Kavanugh present. Letting the FBI interrogate Blasey Ford or Kavanaugh would not change anything, either her false memories or his denials of the incident. Anyone and everyone that could have been witnesses were invited to attend the Senate Judiciary hearings in 2018. All parties concluded that there wasn’t sufficient information presented to corroborate Blasey Ford’s story, leaving the Senate to vote to approve Kavanaugh.