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Since 58-year-old New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie finished his second term Jan. 15, 2018, he’s been desperate for a new job, hoping but failing to get one in the Trump White House. When Trump ran for president in 2016, Christie was consumed by the Bridgegate scandal where Sept. 19, 2013 he approved his chief lieutenants Bill Baroni and chief of staff Bridget Ann Kelly to shut down lanes going into Fort Lee, New Jersey on the George Washington Bridge, creating a snarling traffic jam in Fort Lee. While Christie denied any involvement, it was obvious he was fully briefed about punishing Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for not backing him for governor. Whatever the details, Christie was fully embroiled in Bridgegate at a time that he wanted an appointment in the Trump White House. How ironic that Christie wanted Attorney General, something that would have saved Trump.

Now Christie finds himself going on CNN, the most anti-Trump network, always looking for Republicans like Sen. Mitt Romeny (R-Ut.) to stab Trump in the back. Christie has joined in CNN’s post-election nonsense, making up stories that don’t exist, especially about former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn calling on Trump to declare martial law to invalidate the 2020 election. Whatever Flynn’s latest madness, Christie, because of his own needs for attention, goes on CNN to advise Trump to keep Flynn out of the White House. Former President Barack Obama found out about Flynn when he appointed him Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency July 24, 2012, spending two years stirring the pot until fired. 7, 2014. Trump found Flynn eager to redeem himself, because since his falling out with Obama and former Vice President now President-elect Joe Biden.

Flynn was actually supremely qualified on matters of defense intelligence with degrees in intel from the Navy War College and serving along side 66-year-old Gen. Stanley McCrystal in Afghastan’s Operation Enduring Freedom, in the wake of Sept. 11. Yet when Flynn was responsible for any kind of management role, it was his way or the highway, prompting Christie to tell Wolf Blitzer that Flynn should stay out of the White House. Christie should be one to talk with all his shenanigans with Bridgegate, prompting Trump in 2017 to keep him out of the White House. Funny how the guilty parties point fingers at others. Blitzer wanted Christie’s opinion on Flynn’s advice to Trump to declare martial law, used the military to invalidate the election. Like many other stories in Trump’s four years, it was greatly exaggerated to serve up fake news on anti-Trump media broadcasts.

CNN likes to put on rebellious Republicans like Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Ut.) to stick it to Trump, much the did with Christie. Romney’s vendetta with Trump dates back to his 2012 run as the GOP nominee against former President Barack Obama. Trump often said of Romney’s campaign, “he choked like a dog,” creating the bad blood that led to Romney in 2016 denouncing Trump, calling his a a fraud and “con artist,” something that didn’t sit well with Trump. When Trump beat former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Nov. 8, 2016, Romney joined the band of “never Trumpers,” disgruntled Republican led by the late Sen. John McCain (R-Az.) that would do anything to sabotage Trump’s presidency. It was McCain after all that turned Hillary “Steele Dossier” over to former FBI Director James Comey who worked 24/7 to oust Trump from office, until Trump fired Comey May 9, 2017.

Christie ripped Flynn for making crazy statements, urging Trump to declare martial law, using the military to overturn the Nov. 3 election. “This is why someone like Michael Flynn never belongs anywhere near the White House,” Christie told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “And his lawyer, Sidney Powell.” “I’ve been talking about this since the transition in 2016, ho dangerous I though General Flynn was,” Christie said. Christie forgets he was radioactive during the transition period, watch his closest staff get prosecuted in the 2013 Bridgegate scandal. Christie likes to join CNN’s anti-Trump attacks as long as it gets him headlines. Christie won’t admit that he harbors a grudge against Trump for tossing him under the bus, denying him any place in the White House. Bringing Christie onboard at the time would have been suicidal for Trump due to Chrisitie’s association with Bridgegate.

Wasting time talking about Flynn’s madness makes good headlines on CNN but exposes the anti-Trump cable network as “fake news.” Trump denounced CNN’s reporting as “fake news,” saying he n never discussed anything about declaring martial law to reverse the Nov. 3 vote. CjNN’s anti-Trump viewers like hearing the “fake news” that implicates Trump if various kinds of nefarious activities.r CNN hosted nightly Russian hoax interviews with a wide variety of frauds, carrying nothing about the facts, only advancing a narrative that Trump colluded with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election. Trump was accused nightly by CNN pundits that he was going to fire Special Counsel Robert Muller, before he delivered his final report March 23, 2019 clearing Trump of any wrongdoing. But the fake news never stopped its political hacks like 80-year-old Dr.Anthony Fauci blaming Trump for botching Covid-19 crisis.