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Euphoric after his Nov. 26 pardon, 62-year-old former National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn urged the 74-year-old President Donald Trump to declare martial laws, forcing battleground states to redo the Nov. 3 election with only paper ballots. Flynn says that Trump should “deploy” the military to seize electronic voting machines. Flynn showed why former President Barack Obama fired him Aug. 7, 2014 as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, noting that Flynn had some screws loose. It didn’t take long for Flynn to get the ax from Trump Feb. 3, 2017, after spending a little over a month as National Security Director. Trump knew that Flynn was interviewed Jan. 24, 2017 by the FBI at the White House, eventually forced out for giving false statements to former FBI agents Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka. Flynn’s tendency with his 42-year-old son Michael Flynn Jr. toward the kooky didn’t pass unnoticed

Flynn and his son helped spawn the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton ran a pedophile ring out of D.C.’s Chevy Chase neighborhood Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria which was shot up by some lunatic Dec. 15, 2016, claiming he tried to break up Hillary’s pedophile ring. “Unitl #Pizzagage proves to be false, it’’ll remain a story,” Tweeted Michael Flynn Jr. Dec. 6, 2016. Well no matter how insane Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s son, it looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. “There is no way in the world we are going to be able to move forward as nation,” Flynn said, urging Trump to declare martial law. “He could immediately on his order, seize every one of these machines, on his order,” Flynn said, referring to electronic Dominion voting machines. Wild conjecture circulates that Dominion voting machines were compromised with Venezuelan software designed to change votes.

Since Biden won the Nov. 3 presidential election, Trump and his followers have claimed massive voter fraud, something pushed by 60-year-old Chapman Law Professor John Eastman. Eastman helped write the Texas lawsuit asking the Supreme Court for injunctive relief, to essentially nullify the vote in battleground states. Eastman said Trump’s campaign officials didn’t need to prove fraud, they only needed to make the case that swing state election officials were prevented from recognizing fraud, demanding that the election in battleground states be nullified. After watching the Texas lawsuit rebuked in the Supreme Court Dec. 11, Flynn has come up with even more insane scenarios involving the president declaring martial law. Flynn thinks he’s paying Trump back for the pardon endorsing the reckless practice of declaring martial law and nullifying the Nov. 3 vote.

Since Trump lost the election Nov. 3, he’s claimed without evidence or proof that the election was rigged by crooked Democrat officials in battleground states. Trump’s election advisers haven’t been able to demonstrate fraud, only promote wild speculation as to what happened. When you consider that universal mail-in ballots gave 78-year-old President-elect Joe Biden a distinct advantage in the Nov. 3 election, it was no surprise that Biden won. Democrats had a 6% electoral registration advantage to Republicans, giving Biden the edge in a large voter turnout. Trump couldn’t overcome four years of horrific press, accusing him of conspiring with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election but more recently mishandling the Covid-19 crisis that’s cost the U.S. over 300,000 lives. Unable to challenge the Democrat narrative, Trump couldn’t convince enough independent voters to give him four more years.

Yet to Trump and his followers, they can’t stomach the fact that voters got fed up with the Covid-19 crisis and recession, tossing millions of workers into unemployment. Blaming Trump’s loss on fraud is a lot easier that accepting responsibility for running a lousy campaign. Trump’s 32-year-old neophyte communication director Hope Hicks did an incompetent job confronting the Democrat narrative that blamed Trump for everything under the sun. “He could order, with the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities and he could place those states and basically rerun an election in each of those states,” Flynn told Newsmax. “I mean, it’s not unprecedented. These people are out there talking about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 54 times,” Flynn said, essentially telling Trump to start a civil war.

With the Electoral College voting Dec. 14 to certify the election for Biden [306-232], it’s a formality to present the results to Congress Jan. 6. Trump thinks he can have someone like newly minted Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Al.) object to the Electoral College Count on Jan. 6, 2021. No matter what the objections from Tuberville or any GOP House member, it’s not going to stop the Congress from certifying the Dec. 14 Electoral College vote. Flynn’s ideas of declaring martial law is so far beyond the pale, it tells you exactly why he’s unemployable. Flynn told a conservative Ohio activist group that Trump should “suspend the Constitution,” declare martial laws and have the military hold a new “national re-vote.” Flynn has a lot to be euphoric about with his presidential pardon but he’s giving Trump insane advice that would only result in Trump being escorted out the White House by federal marshals.