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President-elect Joe Biden finds himself in awkward position picking an attorney general while the Justice Department under Atty. Gen. Bill Barr announced that 50-year-old Hunter Biden is under investigation for income tax evasion. Hunter admitted Dec. 9 that the DOJ subpoenaed his tax records related to overseas work in Ukraine, China and Russia. Democrats and their friends in the press did everything possible to suppress Hunter’s financial dealings overseas, thinking it could hurt Joe’s chances of beating Trump Nov. 3. But a coordinated attempt by the Democrat-friendly media suppressed a bombshell Oct. 16 New York Post report providing evidence that Hunter introduced Joe to his business partner Tony Bobulinski in 2015. Joe said emphatically that he had no involvements with Hunter and his 75-uear-old brother Jim’s business dealings in China, making the family millions.

Bolulinski told Fox News host Tucker Carlson Oct. 27 that Joe lied saying he had nothing to do with Hunter’s overseas business dealings. When Hunter negotiated his cut in a Chinese energy deal with Bobulinki, Hunter reserved 10% for himself and 10% for the “Big Guy,” meaning Joe Biden, according to Bobulinki. Bobulinski bailed out the deal with Hunter, because they couldn’t agree on an acceptable deal. Bobulinski said he went public after listening to Joe lie at the Sept. 29 debate in Cleveland, where Joe denied knowing anything about Hunter’s overseas business dealings. Now the DOJ hot on Hunter’s trail, knowing that he was wheeling-and-dealing on his father’s name in Ukraine, China and Russia. Democrats accomplished the goal of getting Joe elected Nov. 3 but now must deal with how Hunter’s overseas business deals could implicate Joe if too much information comes out.

Appointing a tough attorney general like New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Biden would have someone that would stop the DOJ for looking further into Hunter’s shenanigans. With the press 100% behind Joe, it’s doubtful that the House or the Senate would conduct it’s own investigation into Hunter’s overseas business dealings or his unpaid taxes. Putting Cuomo in charge would shutdown any DOJ investigation trying to tie Hunter’s overseas transactions with Joe. Democrats did a good job discounting Hunter’s work for Burisma Holdings in Ukraine from 2014 to 2019 in which he made millions. Hunter and his convicted-felon business partner Devon Archer received the jobs on Burisma’s board while Joe was running Obama’s anti-corruption task force. Yet the media didn’t allow anything negative about Joe’s involvement in Hunter’s overseas business transactions to come out during he campaign.

Whether admitted to or not by Democrats or the mainstream press, Joe was deeply involved and profited from Hunter and his brother Jim’s foreign transactions. Democrats and the press did everything possible to suppress the New York Post story that offered concrete, undeniable evidence of Joe and Hunter’s involvement in foreign transactions earning the Biden family millions in China, Ukraine and Russia. DOJ officials are looking onto Hunter’s foreign transactions and the tax consequences. No one knows at this point whether the DOJ is looking a Ukraine, China, Russia or all of the above. Hunter’s attorney George Messires did not comment on the DOJ’s investigation, leaving many open questions. DOJ’s investigation stems from 2018, the year before Joe announced he would run for president. If Joe appoints Cuomo as attorney general, he’s do everything to end Hunter’s investigation.

What most ironic is that Joe pressured former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Ukrainian chief prosecutor Viktor Shokin who was investigating Burisma Holdings where Hunter worked. Can you imagine if Joe has Cuomo terminate the investigation into Hunter’s alleged tax evasion? No one in the mainstream press would write about the New York Post story that implicated Joe in Hunter’s overseas business dealings. Most of the mainstream press reports indicated that Hunter’s overseas businesses dealings with Joe’s knowledge were a dirty trick by the Trump campaign. Now they’re finding out that there’s substance to Bolulinski’s public testimony that implicated Joe in Hunter’s overseas business dealings. Only a tough prosecutor like Cuomo would order the DOJ to stop investigating Hunter, calling it a political witch-hunt.

Before Joe’s certified by the Electoral College tomorrow as the winner of the Nov. 3 election more corruption allegations surface about Hunter’s overseas business dealings. U.S. press did everything possible to suppress the New York Post story implicating Joe and Hunter in illicit business dealings in China, Ukraine and Russia. Joe told a national debate audience that he didn’t take one penny from any foreign government. What he didn’t say was the Hunter and his brother Jim took all the cash for the Biden family. If Tony Bobulinski is correct that Joe was closely involved in Hunter’s overseas business dealings, then Hunter’s tax problems could embarrass Joe if he’s linked to Hunter’s foreign transactions. Only a tough prosecutor like Cuomo could provide Joe the insulation needed to stay clear of Hunter’s impending tax problems if the DOJ continues to investigate.