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Crisscrossing battleground states from Florida to Wisconsin, President Donald Trump has defied his cautious medical experts to boldly go ahead with making his case to the American people. Since recovering from the novel coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 Oct. 5 leaving Walter Reed Medical Center, Trump resumed his open air campaign rallies pushing the pedal-to-the-metal. While his Democrat opponent 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden follows medical advice, Trump lets the country know he followed the medical advice of 80-year-old National Institutes of Health [NIH] chief of Allergy and Infectious Disease Dr. Anthony Fauci who’s joined Democrats and the U.S. press in opposing Trump reelection. Fauci claims he’s neutral but everyone knows he backs Biden. Trump listened to Fauci in April and May, shut down the country and tanked the economy.

Trump learned a bitter lesson following his doctor’s advise on investments, something everyone knows is beyond their pay grade. Biden sends the exact opposite message as Trump, often ridiculing Trump on the campaign trail as not following scientists’ advice. If Biden’s elected Nov..3, he could very well shut down the economy for a second time, plunging the economy into the next Great Depression. Trump lets his formidable audiences know that whatever happens with the Covid-19 crisis, there will be no more lockdowns, something Biden leaves open. So when contrasting candidates on the campaign trail, Trump offers voters hope for normalcy at the earliest possible time while Biden offers more doom-and-gloom. Biden paints himself as responsible while Trump as reckless. In reality, whatever happens with the virus, the economy cannot afford another shutdown.

Biden continues to blame the Covid-19 crisis and economic problems on Trump, when voters know Trump has done everything possible to manage the virus, advancing more testing and avante garde treatments than ever before. When talking about Phase 3 trials by at least five global pharmaceutical companies, Biden’s campaign sees a vaccine as a campaign issue. Operation Warp Speed, Trump’s name for creating a vaccine in record time, Biden and his 56-year-old running mate Kamala Harris warn voters not to take it because it will be unsafe. Biden and Harris have milked the coronavirus crisis for everything they could get, hoping to ride it to victory Nov. 3. Both blame Trump for all 230,000 U.S. deaths, something they pound on the campaign trail. Voters have to decide whether Biden’s plan of a nationwide mask mandate would make any difference on the course of the virus.

Biden and media slam Trump for expecting the country to get back to some measure of normalcy, without a safe-and-effective vaccine, something Biden and Harris have called unsafe. Both know that Trump has nothing to do with vaccine development, something 100% in the hands of the scientists currently measuring the vaccine for safety and effectiveness. Trump’s criticized by Biden and Harris for holding large campaign rallies, drawing tens-of-thousands of attendees. Joe and Kamala claim they’ve taken a more measured approach to campaign in line with medical recommendations. Both know they couldn’t draw the same crowds as Trump, embarrassed that neither have the charisma or popular appeal to host large campaign rallies. They hope spending hundreds-of-millions on negative campaign ads in key battleground states turns voters to their camp.

Voters and the media will find out whether Trump can come from behind again like he did in 2016. All the forecasters, like in 2016, predict a Biden and Harris landslide on Nov. 3, going by all the popular polls. Yet if you eyeball campaign events, you’d think that Trump has all the momentum heading into Election Day. Biden and Harris slam Trump for going against medical advice to host large campaign rallies, often calling Trump a “super-spreader.” Yet when it comes civil rights demonstrations drawing thousands in crowds around the country to protest police brutality doesn’t breach medical advice to Democrats. There’s always a double standard when it comes to Trump. Democrats, the media and the FBI can persecute him for a witch hunt on Russian collusion for four years but the press won’t report devastating corruption by Joe Biden and his family.

Trump wants the country to get back to some “new normal” because things aren’t going to change anytime soon. Everyone will have to adjust to the Covid-19 crisis regardless of the new spikes wherever they pop up. With Trump you get a leader to models the intrepid spirit of the American Way, not cowering in fear, exemplified by those deferring the nation’s path to medical experts and scientists. If Trump listened to Fauci and other medical experts, the U.S. economy would be in another Great Depression. Because America’s entrepreneurs are trying to get back to normal, the nation’s Gross Domestic Product has bounced back with a lot of help from the Federal Reserve Board. Whatever the spikes around the country in Covid-19, there’s no turning back from reopening the country, with those most vulnerable hunkering down. All the rest need to get back to work.