Hit with far more Covid-19 cases than the U.S. in the second wave of the stubborn Wuhan, China-based virus, not a single European in any country calls their leaders incompetent, reckless and irresponsible. No European leader has been blamed for the death of European citizens, not German Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emanuel Marcon, Italian Primer Minister Giuseppe Conte, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, etc., only Trump faces the daily indignity of listening to the U.S. press and Democrats blame him for over 230,000 U.S. deaths. Former Vice President 77-year-old Joe Biden said in the Oct. 22 presidential debate in Nashville that no president who presides over so many deaths should run for president. Democrats have politicized the Covid-19 crisis, when they have no answers for how to fix it.
Europe’s explosive second wave the virus tells the whole story to anyone seeking facts about the stubborn, dangerous nature to the novel coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 global pandemic. Democrats built their entire 2020 campaign on utter rubbish, that if they were in charge, there would be less deaths in the U.S. Biden’s made clear he has no answer other than telling folks to do the obvious : Wear masks. Scientific studies show that 85% of people who wear masks still get infected with the virus. Biden’s critique of Trump is not factual, just pure politics to convince enough voters that he would do a better job managing the virus. Europe’s second wave of Covid-19 upends the Democrat narrative that Trump has done such a poor job managing the epidemic that he doesn’t deserve a second term. No one in Europe blames their leaders for cases and deaths.
When you consider that Spain and France hit 1 million new cases each on Oct. 22, with the U.K. lagging close behind with 792,000 cases, the EU ultra-fastidious mask-wearing, social distancing and contact-tracing requirements haven’t stopped the virus. Short of shutting down businesses and around Europe, they face the same challenges to each country’s Gross Domestic Product [GDP] as the U.S. But if you listen to Biden and his 56-year-old running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) you’d think it all falls on Trump. Biden and Harris follow former Washington Post journalist-turned-political-hack Bob Woodard insisting that Trump knew everything about the Covid-19 crisis Jan. 28 when he told Woodward that he didn’t want to panic the public when there were so few cases and no deaths. Yet, if you listen to Woodward, Trump had a crystal ball before the World Health Organization [WHO].
Knowing the Europe’s going through an explosive second wave of Covid-19, it tells voter how utterly fake Democrats’ narrative on Trump. Woodward has no scruples peddling his rubbish, doing everything possible to keep Trump from his second term. One Oct. 22, Germany, who’s taken great pride in their Covid-19 response, recorded 11,200 cases, the most cases recorded since the pandemic began. Italy hit 15,199 new cases Oct. 21, the biggest jump in cases since the second wave began. Whatever the reasons for the second wave in the EU, the U.S. has done no worse and probably better than the EU in terms to containing the spread of the virus. Infectious disease experts attribute the surge in cases to the EU reducing restrictions on mobility with more residents taking public transportation, especially buses, light rail and long-distance commuters trains.
EU citizens are required to wear masks in all public transportation venues, confirming U.S. studies showing that masks alone can’t stop the virus spread 85% of the time. While there’s less emphasis on masks in the Netherlands, there’s less penalties for citizens not complying with mask orders. J.P Morgan economist David Mackie thinks there’s less viral spread when the government applies bigger penalties for non-compliance. Mackie thinks “that compliance will be higher in countries with greater financial consequences for non-compliance. Mackie sees the Netherlands with the most lax rules and lower penalties with mask compliance. “This certainly suggests that mask- wearing may be part of the explanation for the cross-country difference in new infections across Europe,” Mackie said, admitting that it’s only a theory. U.S. studies show infection rates at 85% even with face coverings.
Most epidemiologists don’t know why second waves occur, with our without strong compliance with face-coverings. Biden and Harris would have you believe that a nationwide mask mandate would slow the spread of the virus, something not panning out in Europe or the U.S. All indications point in the EU and U.S. to strong compliance with mask-wearing, despite spikes in the virus. With a highly contagious infectious disease outbreak like novel coronavirus, there’s little the government can do short of shutting down the economy for a second time. Biden told Trump in the debate that people “are learning to die with virus,” something not reflecting the lower mortality rates as the virus mutes, but, more importantly, better treatments to keep the infection’s lethality in check. Blaming Trump for the growing U.S. death toll is a cheap shot, ignoring what’s happening around the planet.