Democrats figured long ago that Covid-19 would be the key 2020 campaign strategy against 74-year-old President Donald Trump, using 80-year-old National Institute’s of Health Chief of Allergy and Infectious Disease Dr. Anthony Fauci as proof that Trump’s unworthy of a second term. Democrats exploit Fauci, often running polls asking voters who do you trust more about Covid-10, Trump or Fauci?, asking him incendiary questions to disparage Trump. So far, the strategy has worked to give 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden as sizable lead in the polls heading into Nov. 3. Biden and his 55-year-old running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) insist that over 220,000 U.S. deaths are all Trump’s fault. Nether say what they’d do to stop the spread of the novel coronvirus other that tell citizens to wear mask already required to do business in most U.S. retail establishments.
Biden and Harris have no plan for Covid1-19, they have a plan to discredit the president before Election Day, and it seems like it’s working. But beyond the election if they win, Biden and Harris have said they plan follow “scientists” advice, including shutting down the economy again which would plunge the U.S. economy into another Great Depression. “People are tired of Covid,” Trump said. “People are tired of hearing Fauci and these idiots, all these idiots who got it wrong,” referring to all the pressure he received in April and May to shut down the economy. Trump wised up quickly that Fauci was a willing participant in Biden and Harris’ campaign to discredit him before the Nov. 3 election. Listening to Fauci go on every anti-Trump radio and TV station to agree with Democrats that the White House isn’t following his superior guidance, leaving the country over exposed to the virus.
Democrats and their friends in the press have orchestrated Biden and Harris’ campaign talking points to the letter, duping the public into believing they have a better plan. “Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb, but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him,” Trump said. “This guy’s a disaster,” referring to his bad advice from the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis. Dealing with Fauci, Trump found out the hard way his quietly egotistical manner, pretending he’s the nice grandpa type, while wanting to monopolize the headlines. Trump made an enemy of Fauci after he pointed out his contradictory advice, especially about masks. First, he was against widespread face coverings, then he was for it, always making excuses whey he changed his mind. But whatever the advice, Fauci showed, beyond anything else, he’s out to damage Trump’s chances of reelection.
Facui bristled at the thought of Trump replaced him Stanford University’s Hoover Institution scholar Dr. Scott Atlas. Fauci helped the media discredit Atlas with their nonsense analysis that he’s not an infectious disease specialist. Well, judging by the advice Fauci’s given on how to control the novel coronvirus, Trump needed a fresh set of eyes outside the parochial infectious disease paradigm. Fauci’s advice mirrors that of advise given over 100 years ago in the big daddy of all infections disease events, the 1918 H1N1 Spanish Flu global pandemic. Wear masks, wash hands and socially distance, and, if necessary, quarantine. Trump realized long ago that if the U.S. economy, with all its benefits to citizens survives, it’s because it’s open for business, not closed as Fauci recommends. Fauci collects his $400,000 government salary whether the unemployment rate hits 100%.
Listening to “scientists” is how 53-year-old Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) shut down the state’s economy, leading to the whopping $54 billion budget deficit. Newsom, while privately detesting Trump, publicly placates him, praying that he cuts a new stimulus deal with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to t bail out the California economy. Newsom announced March 15 that 25.5 million Californians or 60% would be infected with Covid-19 unless he shut down the state’s economy. Newsome listened to
”scientists” at mega-billionaire Bill Gates-funded Univ. of Washington Institute for Health Care Metrics and Evaluation. Today, California has 875,557 cases and 16,979 deaths, nothing like “scientists” predicted. So, had Newsom not listened to scientists the state would not be in a $54 billion hole squandering all the $28 billion surplus squired away by former Gov. Jerry Brown.
Fauci’s the first one quoted by Biden and Harris to advance their single campaign issue that Trump botched the Covid-19 crisis. But they have no plan how they’d do thing differently than Trump other that listening to the “scientists.” “He’ll listen to the scientists,” Trump told a campaign rally in Nevada. “If I listened totally to the scientists, we would right now have a country that would be in a massive depression, instead of, we’re like a rocket ship. Take a look at the numbers.” Biden’s said that you can’t fix the economy until the Covid-19 crisis has ended, something that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Voting for Biden and Harris puts the U.S. economy into the hands of narrow-minded scientist looking only at infectious disease, not at the social malaise that comes from hurting the U.S. economy. Biden and Harris will continue to use Fauci to make their case to voters.