by drjmcurtis | Sep 25, 2020
Urging 77-year-old former Vice President and Democrat nominee Joe Biden to skip the debates with 74-year-old Donald Trump, 80-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) repeated her previous Aug. 27 on CBS “This Morning,” when asked if she still believes Joe...
by drjmcurtis | Sep 25, 2020
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), 65-year-old Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Commttee, was appalled to learn that the primary sub-source of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research against 84-year-old President Donald Trump AKA “the...
by drjmcurtis | Sep 24, 2020
Taking the offensive in the Security Council, China’s U.N. Amb. Zhang Jun gave the U.S. a piece of his mind after 74-year-old President Donald Trump called on the Security Council to hold China accountable for unleashing the deadly coronavirus SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19...
by drjmcurtis | Sep 24, 2020
Expecting election-night results on Nov. 3 is looking less likely with universal mail-in voting, not because of voter fraud because it’s going to be difficult for mail-in votes to be counted like electronic voting machines. Whatever happens with the eventual vote,...
by drjmcurtis | Sep 23, 2020
“No justice, no peace” calls echoed in Louisville, Ky. after two Louisville police officers were shot, after a grand jury acquitted two officers involved in the deadly no- knock warrant entry, killing 26-year-od EMT tech Breonna Taylor March 13. Two officers remain in...