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In the run up to the Nov. 3 election, Democrats use anyone possible to discredit 74-year-old President Donald Trump. Making the Covid-19 crisis the No. 1 issue, 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden blamed Trump for over 200,000 coronavirus deaths, something so preposterous it goes with the territory. Now 80-year-old National Institutes of Health [NIH] Chief of Infectious Disease Dr. Anthony Fauci is Democrats new hero, using him any time possible to make disparaging comments about the president. Fauci prefaces his remarks “with all due respect,” to soften his contempt for Trump and his administration’s approach to managing the coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 global pandemic. It was Fauci and State Department epidemiologists Dr. Deborah Birx who encouraged Trump to shut down the economy in April and May, plunging the U.S. economy into recession.

Working his government job for the last 30 years, Fauci isn’t concerned about how many ordinary Americans are tossed into unemployment because of the “science” of how to deal with an infectious disease crisis. Truth be told, Fauci would still have the country shut down, claiming that it’s better to stop the spread of the virus. Fauci, who should have retired years ago, has no problem taking his $400,000 government salary, oblivious to what happens to average American workers. When Fauci decided to give regular interviews with anti-Trump radio and TV networks, Trump realized the loveable grandpa-type was another disguised political hack. Fauci routinely answers questions posed by the most anti-Trump journalists, looking for any headlines to accuse the president of mismanaging the Covid-19 crisis.

Democrats have played the octogenarian Fauci like a fiddle, whether intentionally or not, getting all the sound bites to discredit the president. When it became abundantly clear that Fauci was no friend of the White House, Trump replaced him as a Covid-19 spokesman with 65-year-old Stanford University, Hoover Institution fellow Dr. Scott Atlas. Since that happened, the media spends much of its time discrediting Atlas, saying he has no background or expertise in infectious disease. While Atlas wrote the book on neuroradiology, he’s got plenty of knowledge and experience with infectious disease outbreaks. CNN’s Brian Stelter, for instance, likes calling Fauci “the nation’s leading expert of infectious disease,” something Fauci likes to hear but something so preposterous for a man 80-year-os of age. There are plenty of infectious disease experts with more publicans and better credentials than Fauci.

Like everything else at CNN, it’s a 24/7 cable network devoted to defeating Trump, preventing him from a second term. Fauci’s well aware of CNN’s egregious anti-Trump bias but continues to give interviews, saying “with all due respect,” then taking exception to the White House or the only cable outlets that say anything positive about Trump. Within Fox News there are plenty of voices, past and present, that despise Trump, including tonight’s moderator of the first presidential debate, 72-year-old Chris Wallace. “There is so much misinformation during this very divisive time that we’re in, and the public really needs to know the facts,” Fauci said. Stelter got Fauci to accuse Fox News of spreading misinformation about the virus, specifically talking about Atlas. Atlas has said nothing contradicting Fauci, only that it’s OK for the country to reopen schools for face-to-face instruction.

Fauci gives the impression that if Trump had only done more lockdowns, the virus would be under more control. Fauci doesn’t see the repercussions other than crunching numbers about Covid-19 cases and deaths. “If you listen to Fox News, with all due respect to the fact that they do have some good reporters, some of the things that they report are outlandish, to be honest with you,” Fauci said. It’s “outlandish” to Fauci that anyone would have a different opinion to his. Stelter played Fauci into his “with all due respect” mode, pitting, who Stelter calls “the leading expert on infections disease,” with Atlas and the Trump White House. Trump has no problem with Fauci’s opinions on how to manage the Covid-19 crisis, he has a problem with Fauci running to the anti-Trump press to score points less than two months before the election. Fauci’s clearly an anti-Trump partisan looking to help Democrats.

Fauci’s the Democrats new anti-Trump hero just like disgraced former attorney Michael Avenatti, a once regular on CNN. CNN loved former Special Counsel Robet Mueller until he cleard Trump of Russian colluions March 23, 2019. Fauci joins a long list of “Never Trumpers” like Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Ut.), also a favorite of CNN. CNN also likes disgraced convicted felon former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen or former Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward, each with much in common, their hatred of Trump. Whoever CNN finds that’s willing to slam Trump they’re given copious airtime to lash out. Unlike Fox News that has Chris Wallace and former daytime anchor Shepard Smith taking shots at Trump, CNN has no one on its primetime or daytime line up saying anything positive about Trump. Fauci joins the Trump-bashing chorus always saying, “with all due respect.”