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Claiming that 74-year-old President Donald Trump paid only $750 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017, the New York Times lobs a bombshell only two days before the first presidential debate. True to form, the New York Times Story is anonymously sourced, making wild claims trying to help 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden’s handlers are apoplectic with fear over how their candidate will do in the upcoming Sept. 29 Fox News debate. Covering old ground, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton already slammed Trump for not paying federal taxes, admonishing him for cheating the National Treasury of necessary tax dollar to fund priority programs for disadvantaged Americans. Trump told Hillary, she’s been in Washington her entire career, advocating various tax policies, giving entrepreneurs like Trump many needed tax loopholes

So, while the New York Times congratulates itself on more anti-Trump bombshells, the public is so jaded at this point with fake news, it doesn’t’ know what to believe, especially with un-sourced or anonymously sources news stories. Reporting that Trump reported whopping $434.9 earnings in 2018 but the fillings reported a $47.4 million loss. New York Times bombshell about Trump’s unverified taxes comes only two days before the first debate. It had no impact in 2016 when Hillary revealed much of the same information, actually saying that Trump paid nothing over the last 10 years. Trump didn’t deny it but told Hillary she and other Democrats and Republicans wrote the tax laws, something he takes advantage of like any other American. Trump pointed out in 2016 that many of Hillary’s biggest donors, including billionaires George Soros, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett do exactly the same thing.

Reporting that Trump made money from his many golf resorts and condo towers in foreign countries, the Times hopes to raise the Constitution’s Emolument Clause, prohibiting U.S. presidents from making money overseas. All legal challenges using the Emoluments Clause have failed to get one ruling against the president. Trump, according to the Times report, received $73 million from foreign operations in Scotland and Ireland, including $8 million from the Philippines, $2.3 million from India and $1 million from Turkey. Trump paid in 2017 $145.000 in taxes to India and $156,824 to Philippines and only $750 to the U.S. New York Times tried its best to make Trump look like a tax cheat but he’s been audited carefully by the IRS for several years, apparently complying with U.S. tax laws. But the gist of the Times’ story has Trump defrauding the U.S. government while paying foreign governments.

One thing the Times story reported that Trump had no business dealings with Russia after accused for years by House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), House Judicary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats of having business dealings with Moscow. Hillary flat out accused Trump of being indebted to Russian President Vladimir Putin, repeating the often-cited unverified lies in the Steele Dossier. When you consider the late Sen. John McCain (R-Az.) gave former FBI Director James Comey the Steele Dossier to open up a counterintelligenc investigation into Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, it shows the extent to the New York Times fraud. Schiff leaked continuously to the Times during the 22-month, $40 million Special Counsel investigation telling the Times that Trump had financial ties to Moscow. Now the Times new story disproves years of fake news.

Times new story doesn’t help Biden at all but only underscores how the media is out to get Trump. Talking about a tax refund Trump received of $72.9 million in 2010, the Times insists that Trump could owe the government over $100 million. Getting steeped in tax minutia, the Times is wildly speculating about Trump tax liability and current tax laws that enable entrepreneurs in whatever industry to take every possible write-off available to them. “It appears the President has gamed the tax code to his advantage and used legal fights to delay or avoid what he owes,” said Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), spewing the same partisan nonsense. What does a newspaper or Congressman know about what’s legal for entrepreneurs when it comes to the tax code. Calling it “gaming the tax code,” shows exactly the same kind of partisanship and political tactics used by Hillary in 2016.

Today’s latest New York Times bombshell is exactly the kind of fake news that has turned so many voters off to the Democrat Party. “Most, if not all, of the facts appear to be inaccurate,” said Alan Gartman, Trump Organization spokesman. If the New York Times had accurate facts, they’d be verifying them by naming sources, not like they did for the last four hears with the Russian hoax, printing stories based on un-sourced or anonymously source stories. “Now, Donald Trump is the boss of the agency he considers an adversary. It is essential that the IRS’s presidential audit program remain free of interference,” said Neal, spewing more partisan nonsense. If Trump or any other U.S. citizens has tax problems, they’re entitled with accountants and legal counsel to make their case to the IRS. When Biden faces Trump Tuesday night, he won’t have a clue what to do with the Times’ story.