After watching 74-uyear-old President Donald Trump lay the blame for violent protests around the country on Democrats and the press, 77-year-old former Vice President and Democrat nominee Joe Biden tried to turn the tables on the president. Four days of the Democratic National Convention [DNC] mentioned nothing about riots, looting, arson and anarchy around the country, referring only to “peaceful protesters.” Now that Trump put the focus on the chaos in Democrat-controlled cities around the country, Biden watched his polls slip, now compelled to reverse Trump’s message. Biden now claims that Trump has incited riots around the nation because of his racial insensitivity. “As a country we must condemn the incitement of hate and resentment that led to this deadly clash,” Biden said, blaming Trump. Trump wasn’t responsible for the May 25 chokehold murder of George Floyd.

Democrats fight back with new waves of propaganda, turning the anarchy on the streets of major cities around the country on Trump. “It is not a peaceful protest when you go out spoiling a fight. What does President Trump think will happen when he continues to insist on fanning the flames of hate and division in our society and using the politics of fear to whip up his supporters,” Biden, said, repeating DNC talking points. Biden knows that Democrats, now led by Black Lives Matter, said they’re going to burn white society to the ground unless they get reparations, something wending its way in state legislatures and on Capitol Hill. Biden now repeats the DNC talking points that Trump’s white supremacy and racism is to blame for the civil unrest on American streets, something he knows is nonsense. When a black militant gunned down five Dallas police officers July 17, 2016, it portended things to come.

Dallas police massacre happened on Biden’s watch, not Trump’s. Yet if you listen to Biden’s argument, Trump’s racism and white supremacy led to the street violence around the country. Yet no mention of the riots were made during four days of the DNC convention. Bidien’s mentioning it now because he’s slipping in the polls and must neutralize the very powerful message Trump delivered at the mostly virtual RNC convention. Biden accused Trump of “recklessly encouraging violence,” rejecting Trump’s law-and-order message, actually promoting the conspiracy theory that Trump wants street violence to make his case. Yet what have Democrat mayors and governors done since Floyd’s murder to stop waves to rioting, looting, arson and anarchy gripping American cities? Biden’s going after Trump now because he’s trying to seize back the message in the campaign.

Democrats and the media have gone one step beyond Trump inciting violence around the country. Biden’s actually blames Trump for the violence to further his campaign. “He may think that war in our streets is good for his reelection chances, but that is not presidential leadership—or even basic human compassion,” Biden said, making the most unfounded, outrageous and cynical charge that street violence is a Republican campaign strategy. You’d have to certifiably insane to believe such nonsense. What’s happened is crystal clear for anyone to see. Democrats are unwilling to confront the street violence out on offending their African American base that sees the street violence as warranted in the wake of Floyd’s death. Trump’s not inciting violence, he’s doing everything within his power to stop it. Democrats mayors and governors have blocked federal efforts to stop the street violence.

Biden’s pernicious propaganda hopes to reverse a growing trend for voters to worry about a future where violent street protests are approved by the Democrat Party. If you look at what’s happened in major population areas, mayors, police chiefs and governors have ceded the streets to an angry mob, demanding de-funding the police or reparations for slavery. “The job of the president is to lover the temperature . . . The temperature in the country is higher, tensions run stronger, divisions run deeper: And all of us are less safe because Donald Trump can’t do the job of the American president.” Biden said. What Biden’s saying is that the president’s job is to acquiesce to street thugs making outrageous demands in the wake of a random act of police brutality. No, Biden agrees with Black Lives Matter that American society is “systemically racist,” needing major changes to continue.

Democrats sense that they’re loosing the message, going back to the old well to blame Trump for everything evil in America. If you listen to Biden, he’s spewing the Black Lives Matter talking points that racist white society is getting what it deserves in riots, looting, arson and anarchy. Biden blamed Trump for the street violence, claiming, if you can believe it, it’s a deliberately orchestrated strategy to win the election. Democrats can’t possibly think that American citizens don’t know what’s really going on. Biden’s new conspiracy theory proves that he has no clue of his own and has been fed the talking points to spread more disinformation to the Fake News media. Whatever violence and anarchy happens today in American streets is a result of Democrat politicians forcing police departments to stand down. Biden speaks out now because he’s losing ground in the polls.