Incapable of taking any criticism, 80-year-old National Institutes of Health Infection Disease Chief Dr. Anthony Fauci complained that 51-year-old Fox News host Tucker was responsible for death threat to him and his family. Fauci insists that Carlson “triggers some of the crazies in society to start threatening me,” something exposing Fauci’s anti-Trump bias, more responsible for any backlash that anything Tucker has ever said about the infectious disease expert. Fauci say’s he’s “not concerned about” what Carlson says but says it’s “ridiculous” that he and his family were receiving death threats. Once Trump brought up Fauci’s initial opposition to the public wearing masks or banning flights to-and-from China, Fauci decided to make him available to the mainstream media for literally scores of interviews, essentially denouncing Trump handing of the coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 crisis.
Every interview Fauci takes with CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC or countless other broadcast and print outlets, the questions invariably lead to Fauci answering baited questions all designed to make Trump look bad. Fauci’s been around the media long enough to know that the questions asked are seldom innocent, instead advancing a political agenda during a hotly contested election year. Showing that he’s not oblivious to what he’s doing, Frauci was asked about Fox News Tucker Carlson. “He’s the guy that really loves me, right?” Fauci asked sarcastically, knowing Tucker’s called him on the carpet. “I’m not concerned about what he says. It’s a little bit—I think you could say that when he does that, it triggers some of the crazies in society to start threatening me, actually threatening, which actually happens,” Fauci said, again, blaming public reactions on Tucker’s incitement.
Listening to Tucker, there’s noting he’s saying other that exposing Fauci for being an anti-Trump partisan, using the media to discredit the president. Fauci doesn’t really think it’s Tucker that’s causing his problems. Surely he knows that when he’s interviewed by the anti-Trump press, it makes he president look bad, something
Tri,[p’s followers don’t like Fauci can’t pretend he’s not working for the Democrat Party and anti-Trump press when he submits himself to derogatory questions from the media backing 77-year-old former Vice President and Democrat presumptive Joe Biden for president. When Fauci submits to interviews, he knows that the press are baiting him to make Trump look bad. Fauci admitted that he and his family now use a private security detail to keep them safe. Blaming Tucker Carlson for death threats ignores Fauci’s own role in stirring the pot.
Fauci likes to tell the media he’s simply doing his job as an infectious disease expert, staying clear of politics. “I mean, who would have thought when I was in medical school doing things to save people’s lives, I’d have to be going around with security detail. That’s really ridiculous,” Faudi said, not realizing that he injected himself into the presidential campaign by denouncing Trump efforts to deal with the virus. Fauci told anti-Trump CNBC July 13 that surges of coronavirus around the country was directly related to the Trump administration only shutting down about 50%. Fauci insists that countries that shut down 95%, were seeing a lower incidence of cases. Trump’s critics, including Biden and now his 55-year-old running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), say Europe has done much better that the U.S. But the European Union is also witnesses the worst economic contraction since the Great Depression.
Fauci has been called a hero by the media for standing up to the Trump administration, something that makes him uncomfortable. “I don’t see the hero part, and I don’t pay attention to the death threats and harassment either. We live in an extraordinary society where public health issues become so politicized and divisive that when you start talking about prudent thing to do to preserve public health, that actually considered by some—hopefully a really small minority—by some as something worth of threatening you. That’s really bizarre,” Faudi said. Fauci can’t possibly think what he’s saying, now when he submits to press interviews, he’s baited constantly into making negative statements about Trump. Thinking that he only speaks on public health issues is preposterous, knowing he’s doing daily interviews with media with only one intent: To hurt Trump politically.
Fauci can’t be serious that he thinks all he does is deliver innocuous public health messages when he allows himself to be Trump’s foil for the mainstream media. What Tucker Carlson has to do with Fauci’s problems in anyone’s guess. Fauci knows that he stirs the pot when he lets the mainstream media manipulate him into making disparaging statements about Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis. Trump listened to Fauci and State Department epidemiologist Dr. Deborah Birx ordering lockdowns in March and April, sending the economy into a tailspin. Fauci talks about shutting down the country 95%, knowing that the damage he did to the economy was castastrophic at what he describes as 50%. Whatever problems Fauci faces during a heated election year, he could easily prevent it by responding to the press more carefully. Letting the media use him to attack Trump was bound to backfire.