Turning up the heat on the Obamagate probe looking into the origins of FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation into 74-year-old President Trump’s 2016 campaign, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, subpoenaed 53-year-old FBI Director Christopher Wray. Recently declassified documents show that the FBI briefers testified in 2018 before the Senate Intelligence Committee that the so-called “sub source” to the Steele dossier was reliable, attesting to the factual basis to former Hillary Rodham Clinton’s paid opposition research. Senate Judiciary Chairman 65-year-old Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said the FBI interviewed the sub-source in 2017, confirming that the contents of the dossier were unverified and not reliable. Graham wants to ask Wray what he knew as FBI Director about the FBI interviews with the Steele Dossider sub-source.
Democrats have already started bringing up Russian meddling in the 2020 election to divert attention away from Graham’s inquiry into the origins of FBI Crossfire Hurricane Under 60-year-old former FBI Director James Comey, the FBI sought warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act [FISA] Court using the Steele Dossier as probable cause, even though Comey knew the contents were utter rubbish. Former FISA Court Chief Judge Rosemary Collyer said Dec. 17, 20219 that she was misled by the FBI to issue warrants to wiretap former Trump campaign aid Carter Page. Collyer said the FBI “provided false information,” withheld materially . . . “equally misled” the FISA Court. Johnson, who subpoenaed Wray, wants to know why the FBI told the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2018 that the contents of the Steele Dossier were reliable when, in 2017, the FBI concluded the opposite.
Johnson and Graham want to know why the FBI continued to cover up the fact that they relied heavily on a bogus document to launch a counterintelligence investigation on wild allegations that Trump or his campaign had ties with the Kremlin. Johnson has asked Wray to produce “all records related to the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. This includes, but is not limited to, all records provided or made available to Inspector General [IG] of the U.S. Department of Justice [DOJ] for review.” DOJ’s 57-year-old IG Michael Horowitz released his report Dec. 9, 2019, regarding FBI’s FISA applications to wiretap Trump’s 2016 campaign. Horowitz concluded that the FBI had 17 errors-or-omissions in the FISA applications but made no conclusions regarding the FBI’s motives or whether or not the investigation was justified. Collyer went much further than Horowitz saying the FBI deceived her court.
Johnson’s Homeland Security Committee and Graham’s Judiciary Committee have pressed the FBI to answer some potentially embarrassing questions about Crossfire Hurricane. Comey knew from Day One, when given the Steele Dossier by the late Sen. John McCain (R-Az.) in July 16, that the contents were highly suspect, used by Hillary to discredit Trump in a presidential campaign. Yet Comey went full-steam ahead presenting unverified facts from the Dossier to the FISA Court. When he testified before the House Intelligence Committee Dec. 9, 2018, he said he knew little about the Steele Dossier, implying that he based Crossfire Hurricane on other sources of intel on the Trump campaign. Comey never produced any other evidence used to convince the FISA Court to issue warrants to wiretap the Trump campaign. Comey’s denial under oath spoke volumes.
Comey’s denial to the House Intelligence Committee under oath about knowing much about the Steele Dossier gives him a possible out over his Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Comey knew about the Steele Dossier because it was given to him directly by McCain before starting Crossfire Hurricane. “The FBI has already been producing documents and information to the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which are directly responsive to the subpoena,” said the FBI. “As always, the FBI will continue to cooperate with the Committee’s requests, consistent with our law enforcement and national security obligations.” When FBI Director Wray testifies before Graham’s committee, he’d better be prepared to come clean. Whatever happened under Comey, it’s not Wray’s job to protect Comey from possible criminal prosecution, something now considered by Atty. Gen. William Barr.
Democrats and their friends in the press are already trying to discredit Graham and Johnson’s investigation, suggesting Russia is behind an active campaign to discredit 77-year-old former Vice President and Democrat nominee Joe Biden. While Biden wasn’t directly involved with Crossfire Hurricane, it’s clear that he and Obama knew about the FBI’s attempts to look into Trump’s alleged ties with Moscow. Obama and Biden were well aware of former FBI Director Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and also any alleged ties to the Trump campaign. When Mueller concluded his investigation with a 484-page Final Report March 23, 2019, it showed no evidence of Trump’s alleged Russian ties. Raising more Russian conspiracy theories now hopes to protect Biden from allegations of Ukrainian corruption while VP.