Billionaire 64-year-old -philanthropist former Microsoft founder and CEO Bill Gates went to the defense of 80-year-old National Institutes of Health [NIH] Infectious Disease and Allergy Chief Anthony Fauci after 74-year-old President Donald Trump said Fauci’s made mistakes. Gates says he speaks with Fauci regularly, thinking somehow he’s got the inside tract on how the U.S. should deal with the coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 crisis. Fauci and his colleague State Department physician Dr. Deborah Birx insisted Trump should shut down the economy to “slow the spread” of the deadly virus that’s killed 156.015 today in the U.S. and 679,655 worldwide. When you consider the actual death toll, it’s actually miniscule compared to the 1918 Spanish Flu global pandemic that killed around 50 to 100 million. Gates’s claims he’s given most of his estate away to charitable causes, yet he’s still worth $113.3 billion.
Gates dropped out of Harvard University in 1975 spending one year in college, dropping out to start Microsoft. While he revolutionized personal computing, he has limited education on everything but programming, copyrights and business development. If you ask Gates, he knows everything because he’s filthy rich. Gates says he talks to Fautci often, as if that gives him any insights into what to do to manage the Covid-19 global pandemic. Fauci’s routinely used by the media to attack Trump and Gates is no exception. Media routinely calls Dr. Fauci “the nation’s leading authority on infectious disease,” distorting completely his credentials, despite holding a government post for many years. No one can discount Fauci’s experience, but he’s not “the nation’s leading authority on infectious disease.” Whether admitted to or not, he’s 80-year-old of age, long overdue for retirement.
Fauci presents like a nice grandpa, how can you doubt what he says? Well, he told Trump to not issue a travel ban on China Jan. 31 and told folks March 31, two weeks after the World Health Organization [WHO] declared a global pandemic, to not wear masks. Fauci dismisses the criticism as out of context, when health authorities were concerned about limited supplies of masks for first responders. Well, whatever the excuse, Gates feels sorry for Fauci. “Some days he’s not allowed to tell the truth, some days he doesn’t get contradicted by his leadership,” Gates insists. Gates either doesn’t get it or is so partisan he willing to take any swipe at Trump. Gates insisted March 24 that the only way out of the global coronavirus pandemic was through testing, something he has a vested business interest in through Abbott Laboratories. Gates’ opinion carries clout with the media that looks to attack Trump.
Gates and the media doesn’t like it when Trump questions Fauci’s wisdom of how to proceed to contain the Covid-19 outbreak. Fauci’s advice to Trump cost the U.S. economy trillion in wealth, plunged the nation into the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, all because of a virus that’s killed less people that the seasonal flu. Gates also funds the University of Washington’s Institute of Health Care Metrics and Evaluation [IHME] that uses computer modeling to make predictions about the course of the latest epidemic. California Gov. Gavin Newsom listened to Gates when he says “science” will guide his decision-making, not common sense. Newsome said March 31 that if he didn’t lock down California, 25.5 million residents would be infected in two months. Today, California has 494,031, at least confirmed by testing but dramatically off from IHME’s inaccurate forecasts.
Gates is deeply offended by any criticism of Fauci because he takes it personally. “Trying to denigrate Dr. Fauci probably isn’t the best approach,” Gates said, completely discrediting his critiques of Trump. “You want experts to get the air time. Let them talk about what drug t trials have worked [and] which ones haven’t—don’t mislead people on those things.” What could be more misleading than Gate’s IHME telling Gov. Newsom that 25.5 million would be infected by May 31. No one at the White House—including Trump—“denigratd” Dr. Fauci, they simply said he’s been wrong on his advice. Fauci cited a Lancet study that disputed the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, when Lancet retracted the study May 22 because it was faked. Yet Fauci never informed the public that the Lancet study was retracted due to fraud. Gates has his own ax to grind, working with Democrats and the media to defeat Trump in November.
Gates thinks Dr. Fauci is “just telling us the truth,” but about what? That to stop the virus spread you must lock down the country and destroy the U.S. economy. Tech billionaires like Gates are doing just fine, raking in more billions during the coronvirus global pandemic. Only the little guys, who earning an honest living, are hurt, plunged into unemployment, financial distress and bankruptcy. “Dr. Fauci and I talk on a regular basis about the U.S. innovation-pipeline and about how the foundation and NIH are funding both the first wave of vaccines and then a second wave of vaccines. While there’s nothing wrong with Gates spending $350 million on vaccine development, there’s something very wrong with him using his clout to attack Trump. No one at the White House “denigrated” Fauci, they simply pointed out that he’s not infallible, making mistakes like everyone else.