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Smelling blood of recent polling showing 77-year-old former Vice President and Democrat nominee Joe Biden with a 14% national lead over 74-year-old President Donald Trump, 80-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she won’t pursue an impeachment of 69-year-old Atty. Gen. William Barr. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerold Nadler, 73, said yesterday if it were up to him Barr would be impeached for interfering in the sentencing of 67-year-old GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone. Democrats fumed over Barr’s interference in the conviction and sentencing of former National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn who whose case was dismissed in D.C.’s Second Court of Appeals yesterday. Democrats insist that Barr tossed the criminal justice system to the wind, doing the bidding of Trump, putting his thumb on America’s scale of justice.

Pelosi and House Democrats think they’ve got Biden’s election in the bag, waiting a mere 135 days before Joe cleans Trump’s clock Nov. 3 Election Day. “One-hundred-and-thirty-five days from now, we will have the solution to many problems, one of them being Barr,” Pelosi said. Pelos’s claims of malfeasance by Barr are outrageous when you consider declassified information that clearly shows the FBI under 59-year-old former Director James Comey acted illegally investigating Trump’s 2016 campaign and presidency when he had no probable cause to do so. Pelosi could care less about whether Comey or anyone else in former President Barack Obama’s administration broke the law, illegally wiretapping Trump, his campaign and his presidency. Pelosi isn’t concerned about the rule of law, she’s concerned about getting Trump out of office at the earliest possible time.

Barr faced criticism only from Democrats scoring political points against Trump before the 2020 election. Pelosi knows that Barr has a serious investigation in the works on the origin of Comey’s counterintelligence investigation that goes from the FBI, to the Department of Justice, to the National Security Agency [NSA], all the way to the Vice President and President. Declassified reports indicate that Obama hosted a Jan. 5, 2017 meeting, two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, plotting with Comey, Biden, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, former CIA Director James Clapper, former Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch, former Deputy Atty. Gen. Sally Yates and former Director of National Security James Clapper to set up Flynn for perjury. Rice “unmasked” Flynn’s conversations with 69-year-old former Russian Amb. Sergey Kislyak, accusing Flynn of violating the 1799 Logan Act.

Whatever Obama’s White House did to Flynn is of no consequence to Pelosi or any other House Democrats. It was their duty to wiretap the Trump campaign to help 72-year-old former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton get elected. Didn’t matter to any Democrats that Hillary did every dirty trick in the book, including getting debate questions in advance, to beat Trump. Once Hillary lost, the same team of former Obama White House employees did everything possible to impeach Trump, hitting a roadblock Feb. 5 when it came to convicting him in the U.S. Senate. But no, for Pelosi Barr’s the criminal for trying to preserve what’s left of the rule of law, when Obama’s White House shredded the Constitution and every known federal law preventing the government from wiretapping private citizens. Pelosi’s riding on polls that show Biden with a big fat lead heading into the summer.

Nadler heard from more phony “whistleblowers,” claiming Barr violated Department of Justice rules to help friends of Trump. U.S. Atty. Aaron Zelinsky, a former member of Mueller’s Special Counsel team and prosecutor on the DOJ’s Roger Stone’s case, insisted in sworn testimony to Nadler that Barr violated DOJ rules to reduce Stone’s sentence. Yet not for one second did Zelensky admit that the case against Stone was built on cotton candy. Stone was a peripheral player, having nothing to do with WikiLeaks dumping DNC and John Podesta’s emails for the world to see before the 2016 presidential election. Stone’s boasts about contacts with WikiLeaks was all smoke blowing, making the Washington gadfly, buffoon and party animal look like he had criminal involvement. Whatever Stone told Congress or FBI investigators was immaterial because he committed no crimes.

Pelosi thinks the presidency is in the bag for Biden, telling the press she has no interest in pursuing impeachment against Barr. But the real reason she won’t impeach Barr is that he did nothing wrong and everything right trying to correct Mueller’s malicious prosecution and the FBI’s entrapment of Flynn. “Anyone who sees that testimony well knows that Barr is a mess and a disgrace to the Department of Justice. I’ve been talking about that for a while, and last year, around this time, we had a motion on the floor to hold him in civil and criminal contempt,” Pelosi said. Pelosi’s statements are all shrewdly political, knowing she has no case against Barr. Pelosi performs her job like a mob boss, disregarding the rule of law. “So he is contempible, there’s no question about that. But at this point, let’s solve our problems going to the polls and voting on Election Day,” Pelosi said with a smirk. .