Once the enemy of Democrats and the press, 71-year-old former National Security Adviser John Bolton is now touted by the anti-Trump media, hoping his new book, “The Room Where It Happened” helped besmirch 74-year-old President Donald Trump before the Nov. 3 presidential election. ABC News President James Goldston crossed every line of respectable journalism, joining the Democrat resistance, going for the jugular or more popular carotid artery when it comes to Trump. There’s not one ABC News or entertainment broadcast that doesn’t write into the script hatred of Trump. Once nonpartisan late night TV talk shows spend most of their time bashing Trump, especially ABC’s 52-year-old “Late Night” host Jimmy Kimmel. Now ABC and other networks clamor for Bolton, not because he has any credibility but because he’s willing to rip Trump on national TV.
Boltion’s take on heroic status to the mainstream broadcast and print press is like disseminating his new version of the “Steele Dossier.” Steel Dossier was 72-year-old former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s fake opposition research, designed to harm Trump’s 2016 campaign. Now Bolton’s book becomes the latest fake news book designed to make Trump look like an idiot to voters before the November election. “I think it’s unbecoming of the Office of President,” Bolton said Thursday, responding to Trump’s Twitter critiques. “I think it degrades the political civil discourse in our country and [I’m] just not going to respond,” Bolton said, knowing, in fact, he did respond calling Trump a scoundrel. Yet Bolton doesn’t have the slightest compunction about betraying the confidence of his National Security Agency job, to retaliate against his boss that fired him Sept. 10, 2019.
Liberal media outlets don’t care if Bolton’s a disgruntled employee retaliating against his former boss. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and even FOX have capitalized on the Nielsen ratings, scheduling interviews with Bolton to here him denounce Trump. Trump called Bolton a “wacko” and “sick puppy,” blasting his former aide for his tell-all book, calling it a “compilation of lies and made up stories.” No one in the media cares whether there’s any truth to anything Bolton says. What they care about is attacking Trump with anything possible before the Nov. 3 election. “The president isn’t worried about foreign government reading this book. He’s worried about the American people reading this book,” Bolton told ABC’s Martha Raddatz. Bolton, one of the most hated neocon’s tied to several GOP presidents, was one of the principle architects of the Iraq War.
When Trump was involved in some pretty dicey diplomacy in 2017- 2018 with 36-year-old North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Bolton said publicly that Trump was looking into the “Libyan Model.” Kim went ballistic when Bolton urged Trump topple his nuclear-armed regime. Trump recalled how Bolton, in any delicate situation, would threaten to use the U.S. military, making life more difficult for him. Bolton insisted he was very careful not to put classified information in the book, yet thought nothing of betraying Trump’s confidence without permission. Bolton said that Trump enlisted Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him beat Hillary in 2016. That’s the opposite charge alleged in Hillary’s fake Steele Dossier that accused Trump of working for Russia. Bolton told Democrats they should have listened to him on impeachment, they would have been more successful.
Bolton’s been trying to publish his Simon & Schuster book for the last six months, hitting a brick wall with legal challenges. Even today the Justice Department was filing a brief in U.S. District court for a Temporary Restraining Order [TRO] due to the book’s classified content. Bolton told Raddatz he carefully released material in “The Room Where it Happened” to avoid anything classified. “When I wrote the book, to begin with, I was very conscious to avoid putting in anything that I thought could be deemed classified . . “ Bolton said, insisting that it went through extensive prepublication review. Whether it went through pre-publication review by Simon & Schuster, it was never fact-checked. Bolton mentions nothing about antagonizing Kim Jong-un when he was threatening nuclear war against the United States. Bolton’s a known warmonger, pushing for U.S. military intervention in Syria, Iran, Yemen, North Korea, Libya and even in the South China Sea.
Bolton’s heroic embrace by the media shows the extent of U.S. media corruption in the age of Trump. To the media, the enemy-of-my-enemy is my friend, pitting Bolton against Trump. Bolton knows how to sell books, especially when the press looks for anyway to attack Trump. “Because he [Trump] knows it will be factual and he doesn’t want the facts out on the record,” Bolton told Raddatz, claiming “The Room Where it Happened” was the last word on everything Trump. When it comes to the classic backstab, Bolton’s as good as it gets, especially since Trump tossed him under the buss. If there’s anything truthful about Bolton’s book, it’s that he clashed with Trump because the president refused Bolton’s advice to intervene militarily all over the planet. Trump ran on a platform to end wasteful foreign wars, something that bogged down the U.S. for the last 20 years.