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Frequently quoted on subjects he knows nothing about, 64-year-old former Microsoft co-founder and CEO Bill Gates is a favorite of reporters that have no knowledge on the same subjects. Reporters, as a group, unless they come from academic backgrounds, have little if any knowledge about the subjects they write about. Gates gains automatic credibility from his net worth of $99.5 billion, claiming he’s given much of his money away from philanthropic work. But any cursory examination of Gates’ giving habits shows that he’s replenished everything he’s given away over the years, making you wonder about his real commitment to philanthropy. Gates has nothing but criticism, without naming names, for managing of the coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 crisis. Gates has insisted that the only way out of the widespread government lockdowns is more testing.

Gates, of course, is no eipidemiologist, but he parrots the findings to his analytics’ company at the University of Washington, the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation [IHME] that has been advising federal and state government during the three-month-old coronavirus crisis. IHME told California Gavin Newsom March 19 that 25.5 million or 60% of California residents would be infected with SARS CoV-2 by May 19. As of April 27, 43,794 Californians have tested positive for coronavirus with 1,721 deaths. IHME often gets its forecasts wrong, but not just a little bit but whopping errors that make you wonder the value of forecasting at all. Last week Gates blamed the lack of PCR [Polymerase Chain Reaction] testing that prevents the U.S. economy from reopening. This week Gates blames the rise of nationalism around the globe for poorly managing the coronavirus outbreak.

Gates believes strongly in a multinational approach to managing global health as defined by the United Nation’s World Health Organization [WHO]. Gates has something in common with 55-year-old Ethiopian WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who has an inappropriate relationship with China. Tedros had all the facts about the highly contagious, deadly coronavirus epidemic in China in December 2019 but waited until March 11 to declare a global pandemic. China’s 66-year-old President Xi Jinping handpicked Tedros for WHO because of Ethiopia’s economic dependence on China. Xi knew that with Tedros he’d have a loyal servant. Indeed, there’s absolutely know reason other than a personal deal with Xi that Tedros didn’t do his job to notify U.N. member states in January that China was dealing with a deadly infectious disease outbreak that was jumping international borders.

Gates believes in multinationalism as embodied in the U.N., where Tedros showed what a globalism does when managing a world health emergency. Tedros sat on his hands while the world was infected with coronavirus, something that could have been prevented had he declared a global pandemic Jan. 1. No, Tedros waited three months as a personal favor to Xi. There’s only one explanation that Xi wanted to keep the coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan, China secret: To protect China’s economy. “Few people get an A in terms of what they’ve done in this situation,” Gates said. Gates should give Tedros and the WHO an F, for failing miserably to warn the global community about the spiraling pandemic that has engulfed the world with 3,039,439 cases and 209,739 deaths worldwide. Where’s the grade Gates gives the globalist body called the WHO.?

What grade does Gates or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation give itself for giving a pittance for containing the pandemic, supplying personal protective gear [PPE], ventilators or supplying more hospital beds where needed? Gates likes to opine about what’s needed but while he opines about the global community he ignore the corruption at the helm of the WHO. Gates, too, has massive business dealings in China, certainly knowing that Microsoft manufactures much of its hardware products in China. Yet Gates has the utmost confidence in globalist bodies like U.N. and WHO. “I do think the fact that the world was moving toward nationalism and countries taking care of themselves, that framing is not helpful. We all wish we had raised the rallying cry more quickly. Ever few people get an A in terms of what they’ve done in this situation,” Gates said, ignoring China and WHO’s failure.

Gates wants to talk about what the international community could do differently to manage a global infectious disease crisis. How about starting with Tedros doing his job at WHO? What’s nationalism got to do with China deceiving the world about its deadly coronvirus epidemic and WHO dropping the ball? Gates has give $150 million to fight the virus, bringing his total to $250 million. That ‘s one-tenth the grants Gates gives to advance his Common Core education standards. Gates is the last person that should be grading countries or obliquely criticizing the White House response when China and WHO’s incompetence spread the coronavirus around the globe. Had Gates’ globalist approach with WHO worked, the world would not be facing more deaths from SARS CoV-2 but a worldwide depression from questionable mitigation efforts that slow the virus while wrecking the global economy.