Citing a new poll paid for by the hard left publication Daily Beast showed their findings prove that 73-year-old President Donald Trump engaged in a disinformation campaign against the global pandemic. Questions asked by clever Daily Beast pollsters asked all the questions to make Trump look bad, misstating his views on the SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 crisis responsible for shutting down large sectors of the U.S. economy “A full 73 percent of respondents, including 75 percent of Republicans, said that it was not true that ‘anyone who wants to get tested [for the virus] can get tested,’”said the Ipsos survey. Daily Beast knows that Trump didn’t say that everyone could get tested right away. What he said was that more testing is in place now to get citizens tested if it’s appropriate. Yet the way Daily Beast phrased the question, it looks like Trump’s a liar for saying everyone can get tested.

When it comes to a future vaccine, Daily Beast phrases the question that Trump says a vaccine would be ready “soon,” something so distorted, so twisted, it personifies left wing fake news. “Only 20 percent of the public, and just 25 percent of Republicans, said that they believe a vaccine will be available soon. Forty-two percent said that was false and 38% said then did not know,” Daily Beast said, again, setting up the question to trick respondents. Trump never said a vaccine would be ready soon, yet Daily Beast phrases the question for Ipsos to get a negative response against Trump. Trump and his Coronavirus Task Force has been clear that biomendical researchers have begun clinical trials but a vaccine wouldn’t be ready for at least a year. Yet Daily Beast sees nothing wrong with manipulating Ipsos to ask questions designed to make Trump look like he’s lying to the public.

Daily Beast asked another trick question about that the virus would disappear when the weathers turned warm. “Fifty-one percent of respondents, including a plurality of Republicans [46 percent], said it was false that the virus would go away on its own in warm weather, while just 13 percent said that was true,” asked Daily Beast to Ipsos. Trump never said the virus would “go away,” he said he hoped it would follow the seasonal flu that tends to diminish in spring and summer months. Yet the way Daily Beast phrased the questions, it again made Trump look like a liar. Raising the issue of lethality, the Ipsos poll found most people think Covid-19 is more deadly than the flu. “And 61 percent of respondents said that they believed Covid-19 was more deadly than the flu, with 22 percent saying it was about the same and 11 percent saying they believed it was less deadly,” Ipsos reported.

Trump never said SARS CoV-2 was less deadly than the seasonal flu. He said there were more seasonal flu infections and deaths than from Covid-19. Centers for disease control estimates that up to 54 million people had the seasonal flue in 2019-2020 with up to 62,000 deaths. Coronavirus is now up to 663,740 cases with 30,879 deaths, on its way to toppling deaths from seasonal flu. When hard left news manipulates polling agencies to skew the facts for a political agenda, it’s a gross abuse of First Amendment, warranting a serious review by the Justice Department. Whatever Trump said or didn’t say with respect to the coronavirus crisis, it pales in comparison to a news outlet spewing pernicious propaganda. Pollsters are instructed by both political parties to cite polls to advance agendas, not disseminate facts to the public for the purpose of informing the electorate.

Left wing news outlets are more concerned than ever that Trump’s approval ratings have gone up for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. What better way to attack his approval ratings than citing a phony survey that asks questions deliberately to make the president look bad. When it comes to getting the country back to work, Trump never said he would issue a blanket edict to sacrifice the welfare of workers forcing them back to an unsafe work environment. What Trump said was he would like to see the country back to work at the earliest possible time. When he brought up Easter Sunday, April 12, it was only a date in the not-too-distant future, hoping that epidemiologists would get better news about the virus slowing down or leveling off. If the virus continues to escalate, Trump would not push to end “shelter in place” orders, to have workers expose themselves or their colleagues, accelerating the virus spread.

Conducting a phony poll, asking setup questions to attack Trump, shows the lows to which the left goes to brainwash the public. Left-leaning news outlets are the first to blame Russia for disinformation but the truth is no one’s better a spewing propaganda than the left-leaning press. Daily Beast took it to a new level actually paying Ipsos to conduct a fake poll, asking setup questions to prove Trump’s the real propagandist. Whatever misstatements Trump makes, they pale in comparison to the calculated uses of propaganda and disinformation left-leaning news outlets use to advance a political agenda, in this case defeat Trump in November. Whatever disinformation Russia uses in U.S. social networks, it’s eclipsed by anti-Trump publications looking for anything negative to attack the president. When Trump calls the liberal press fake news he’s exposing their dirty little secret.