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Deviating from his impeachment script, 58-year-old House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) discredited himself and his impeachment case against 73-year-old President Donald Trump. Instead of sticking to the facts, Schiff went into lecture mode spewing wild speculation about Trump’s problems with the intelligence community, bouncing back to the now concluded Mueller Report. Schiff and House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) gave former FBI Director Special Counsel Robert Muller full confidence conducting a comprehensive, nonpartisan investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to Moscow. But once Mueller rendered his verdict March 23, 2019 clearing Trump after a 22-month $35 million exhaustive investigation, Schiff and Nadler went apoplectic. Both insisted the facts show Trump colluded with the Russians in the 2016 investigation.

Schiff and Nadler spent the next six months combing through the Mueller Report to find any possible impeachable offenses. While toying with “obstruction of justice,” Schiff and Nadler found a so-called “whistleblower” who said Trump tried to coerce 40-year-old Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden and his 50-year-old son, Hunter. With 80-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Nadler wrote up Trump’s impeachment articles, one about abusing power and the other about obstructing Congress. Schiff insisted in his closing argument that Trump was a menace that must be removed in office, believing Russian President Vladimir Putin over U.S. intelligence agencies. Schiff argued that Trump endangers U.S. national security by pandering the Kremlin, rather that trusting his own intelligence agencies.

Going off the rails, Schiff exposed what the ambiguous impeachment articles were really about: Redoing Mueller’s report with a favorable outcome for Democrats, proving Trump colluded with Russia. Going on-and-on about Russian interference in the 2016 election, now again in the 2020, Schiff’s closing argument was an apocalyptic argument reprising the Mueller Report with Schiff’s outcome, not 75-year-old Robert Mueller. When Mueller said he was not exonerating anyone May 29, 2019, he handed the ball to Congress if they wanted to purse anything else. Mueller made clear in his Final Report that no one in the Trump campaign—including Trump—coordinated or conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election. Yet Schiff’s closing argument raises the Russian connection, as if it hasn’t been settled by the Special Counsel in his March 23, 2019 Final Report.

Schiff insists Trump must be removed from office because he believes his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani over U.S. intelligence agencies. But what does that have to do with House impeachment articles? “He chooses Rudy Giuliani over his own FBI Director. He chooses Rudy Giuliani over his own national security advisers . . . That makes him dangerous to us, to our country,” Schiff argued, once again, deviating from the impeachment script to expose for all to see Democrats unfounded claims that Trump was a Russian agent as former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Oct. 19. 2016 in her last presidential debate with Trump in Las Vegas. Schiff, as lead impeachment manager, shows that the impeachment articles mean nothing, other than prosecuting Trump for wild unproven claims about his ties with Russia, completely disproved by the Mueller Report.

Schiff lets Democrats’ praise go to his head, deviating off script to tell Senators why Trump must be removed from office, irrespective of the impeachment facts. Trump must be tossed out of office because Democrats don’t like him, consider him, like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a “pathological liar,” “racist,” “misogynist,” “homphobe” and “xenophobe.” But all of Schiff’s name-calling doesn’t make a legal argument why Trump should be removed from office. “Why would anyone in their right mind believe Rudy Giuliani over Christopher Wray [FBI Director],” Schiff said. Schiff slams Trump for his alleged ties to Moscow but doesn’t acknowledge the Department of Justice active probe looking into why the DOJ, FBI and National Security Agency [NSA] investigated Trump before and after he was inaugurated Jan. 20, 2017. No, Schiff thinks Trump should trust U.S. intel agencies.

Schiff likes in his closing argument to lecture the Senate about U.S.-Ukraine foreign policy. He says thet Trump withheld $391 million in military aid for poor defenseless Ukraine. Schiff knows the Obama administration gave Ukraine nothing in the way of military aid. Yet Schiff insists, because Trump wanted accountability, he illegally delayed aid while Ukraine battled Russia. Zelensky was not in a shooting war with Russia, he was actively pursuing diplomacy with Putin. Yet Schiff’s twisted analysis claims Trump was aiding-and-abetting a U.S. enemy, Russia. With that kind of talk it’s no wonder U.S.-Russian relations hit a Cold War low with Obama. Schiff wants everyone to believe his Democrat propaganda that Trump tried to influence the 2020 presidential election. Trump was far more interested in how Hunter Biden made millions in Ukraine than Joe.