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Calling the House impeachment inquiry a “lynching,” 73-year-old President Donald Trump stepped into a maelstrom of criticism for daring to use the racially- charged word, part of the ugly history of racism in the United States. But Trump wasn’t the only politician to characterize unfair persecution as a “lynching,” including former Vice President Joe Biden who, in 1998, called former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment a “partisan lynching,” even more offensive when you consider he referred to the Republican Party. Biden knows the sordid history of lynching including plenty of so-called Southern Democrats or Dixicrats, not just the Party of Abraham Lincoln. Trump’s got a big target on his back for practically everything that he says, not so much because what he says-or-does is so egregious but it’s an election year with his enemies trying to score points.

No one made the lynching word more dramatic that Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas Oct. 11, 1991 when he called Democrats Confirmation hearing a “high-tech lynching.” Since declaring for president June 16, 2015, Trump’s been under an FBI counterintelligence investigation authorized by former President Barack Obama, directing former FBI Director James Comey to investigate Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. Things really heated up once WikiLeaks released July 15, 2016 incriminating hacked emails of the Democratic National Committee [DNC] and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s former campaign chairman John D. Podesta. Comey used Hillary’s paid opposition research AKA “the dossier,” to justify wiretapping Trump campaign officials. Hillary called Trump a Russian asset in the last presidential debate in Las Vegas Oct. 19, 2016.

Only recently Hillary accused 38-year-old decorated war veteran Democratic candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard ( D-Ha.) and 2016 Peace and Freedom candidate Jill Stein of being “Russian assets.” Unlike Gabbard and Stein, Trump was the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation and Special Counsel investigation over the last four years. When Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered his Final Report March 23, he cleared Trump of any alleged conspiracy with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election. Yet Democrats, who agreed that Mueller would be the trier-of-fact in matters related to Trump’s alleged ties with Moscow, rejected Mueller’s findings, insisting Trump must be guilty of obstruction of justice. When that didn’t fly, suddenly a “whistleblower” came forward accusing Trump of impeachable offenses in his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

No candidate or president has had his Constitutional rights violated more than Trump. If he used a politically incorrect term, it’s not without precedent with Joe Biden and Clarence Thomas. When you consider the secretive nature of Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, led by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the partisan mistreatment continues. Three years of fake stories in the mainstream press accusing Trump of Russian conspiracy, now his July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president has become the next cause célèbre. Republicans in the U.S. Senate do not see Trump’s phone call as an impeachable offense, running counter to Democrats’ effort to oust the president. If and when Democrats’ pass articles of impeachment, they’re doomed to fail in the Senate. Yet the secretive hearings go on, prompting a group of Republican lawmakers to crash the hearings today.

Democrats haven’t begun to deal with their mistreatment of Trump after taking office Jan. 20, 2017. Atty. Gen. William Barr and U.S. Atty. John Durham (R-Conn.) are currently investigating the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence probe and the 22-month, $30 million Special Counsel investigation. If Barr and Durham find wrongdoing at Obama’s Justice Department, FBI and National Security Agency [NSA] investigating Trump, the impeachment trial becomes insignificant in one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history. There’s no more egregious abuse of power that using the national security apparatus to harass and sabotage a presidential candidate and president. Democrats and their media friends advance the Russian narrative against Trump that Mueller found unsubstantiated. Now Democrats attack Trump for using the world “lynching,” but what else would else you call it.

Biden ripped Trump for calling Democrats’ impeachment proceedings a “lynching,” forgetting he called Clinton’s impeachment a “partisan lynching” in 1998. “It shows a lot of things about our national media. When it’s about Trump, who cares about the process, as long as you get him. So, yeah, this is a lynching in every sense. This is un-American,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), rejecting the Democrats’ secret impeachment proceedings. Calling Trump “disgusting” for using the word lynching, 73-year-old Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Tx.) pounced all over Trump, not admitting Democrats and the media have persecuted Trump since taking office. Listening to Hillary call Gabbard and Stein “Russian assets,” should remind everyone about the dangers of promoting unfounded partisan claims. Using the word “lynching” doesn’t excuse violating Trump’s Constitutional rights.