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Debating with pro-impeachment Democrats in a conference call yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tried to reason with the impeachment crowd galvanized after Atty. Gen. William Barr released April 18 the full redacted Mueller Report. Calling for 72-year-old President Donald Trump’s head, the pitchfork crowd in the House have completely ignored Mueller’s conclusions: The president did not coordinate with the Russians and the Special Counsel had incomplete evidence to charge Trump with obstruction of justice. Yet Democrats cherry pick the Mueller Report’s findings to conclude that Trump obstructed justice. Unlike Mueller who was commissioned by Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein to determine Russian meddling and alleged Trump collusion in the 2016 election, House Democrats have reached their own conclusion, convinced Trump obstructed justice.

If Mueller’s team of 23 career prosecutors found after a 22-month probe that Trump did not collude with Russia, how could the president obstruct justice. Obstruction of Justice requires a cover-up of an underlying crime. With Mueller emphatically stating no collusion took place, where’s the underlying crime Trump was trying to obstruct justice? Democratic candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, lagging in the polls, was the first April 19 to call for the House to impeach Trump. Warren and a slew of other House Democrats have ignored the Mueller Report, drawing their own conclusions cherry picking Mueller’s findings. “If any other human being in this country had done what’s documented in the Mueller Report,” Warren said, “the would be arrested in put in jail,” not specifying Trump’s crime. If Mueller and his team of experienced prosecutors found no crime, how did Warren?

Massachusetts’ Rep. Seth Moulton agreed with Warren that the House must proceed with impeachment. “Don’t tell me there’s not enough to debate impeaching the president,” Moulton told NPR News. Saying Trump obstructed justice, violated campaign finance laws and profited from his office, in violation of the Constitution’s Emolument Clause. “He [Trump] is subject to the same laws as the rest of us are, and that’s why we should move forward with this [impeachment] debate. Moulton doesn’t find it odd that he, or his colleagues, have charged, convicted and sentenced Trump without any evidence, other than questionable press reports. Instead of relying on the charging authority in the Special Counsel office, Moulton and other Democrats want to make up charges to justify debating articles of impeachment. Impeachment hysteria has swept through the House.

Pelsoi and other top Democrats can’t decide how to proceed into the 2020 presidential elections. If impeaching Trump helps their cause, they’ll like mover ahead debating impeachment. Some senior Democrats like Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) think impeachment proceeding could boomerang on Democrats. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) agreed with Warren that the House should mover forward with impeachment. Harris believes “to get rid of this president,” and that Congress “should take the steps toward impeachment,” Harris tried to bolster her lagging standing in presidential election polls. Ignoring the Mueller Report, Harris has made up her own facts for impeaching the president. Asked yesterday if he’s worried about impeachment, Trump said, “Not a little bit.” South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg agreed with Harris that impeachment was in order.

It’s easy for presidential candidates looking for publicity to get out ahead of the impeachment curve. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) cautioned about how the impeachment frenzy has taken Democrats eye off substantive issues for beating Trump in 2020. Bernie told a Fox News audience April 16 if Democrats focus only on Trump’s impeachment, they’ll lose the 2020 election. Taking a more cautious approach, former Gov. John Hickelooper (D-Co.) asked House Democrats to get more facts before jumping into impeachment. Pelosi has tried to offer a stabilizing voice on the issue of impeachment. “If that’s the place the facts take us, that’s the place we have to go,” Nancy said, steering away from impeachment. Pelosi knows that the “facts,” as laid out by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, vindicate Trump on the major crime of colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election.

Watching the radical left hijack the Democrat Party, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said today he believes the House will try to impeach Trump. “Nancy Pelosi is not in charge of the Democrat Party,” Graham said today. “The radical left is in charge. So I will expect there will be impeachment proceedings against President Trump, and the Mueller Report is to me is a vindication of President Trump,” skeptical that Pelosi can stop the pro-impeachment juggernaut. Democrats can’t decide whether impeachment proceeding would help or hinder their cause in 2020. House Minority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) cautioned House members no to “rush to something without going through the proper process.” Pelosi and her top leadership knows that the “proper process” was the Muller Report that decided to not charge Trump with collusion or obstruction. To impeach Trump, Democrats would have to ignore the Mueller Report.