Hamas Spews Propaganda into Gaza's Airwaves

by John M. Curtis
(310) 204-8700

Copyright July 14, 2014
All Rights Reserved.

             Giving notorious Iraqi propagandist Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf “Baghdad Bob” a run for his money, the official Hamas news agency Al-Aqsa TV & Radio, continue to the tradition of feeding the population garbage, devoid of facts and detached from reality, only designed to buoy Palestinian spirits.  “Their infidels are committing suicide by the hundreds on the gates of Baghdad.  Be assured Baghdad is safe, protected,” said Baghdad Bob April 12, 2003, the day Baghdad fell to U.S. forces.  Now Al-Aqsa TV & Radio take over where Baghdad Bob left off, spewing constant lies to Gazans about the imminent defeat of Israel, paving the way for a grand return of Palestinians to the promised land.  “[We] direct a military strike with rockets at the Tel Aviv area and its surroundings with a J80 rocekt after 9 p.m,” said masked and camouflaged Al-Aqsa spokesman Abu Ubeida, warning Israel of the impending attack.

             Meanwhile, Palestinian death toll hit over 160, without one Israeli death after Hamas unloaded over 950 rockets.  “Our rockets have struck Tel Aviv!” blared a defiant voice on the PA system of Gaza’s main mosque.  Cheers from boys and men could be heard shouting, “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is Great.”  For Gaza’s Hamas chief 52-year-old Ismail Haniyeh or Hamas’s 58-year-old Ramallah-based political chief Khaled Meshaal, more collateral damage in Gaza helps the Palestinian cause.  Firing rockets, like suicide bombings, is Palestinian “resistance” in the face of superior Israeli military might.  Despite telling Palestinians they’re routing the Jewish State, more casualties translate into more international sympathy—and possible cash.  It’s of little consequence in Gaza or Ramallah that Hamas’s rockets hit no Israeli targets, cause no damage or are destroyed by Israel’s Iron Dome antiballistic missile system.

             Al-Aqsa TV & Radio knows how to keep a beaten down population hopeful, touting great military success against the “Zionist entity.”  “When we heard the threat last night, we were overjoyed.  It’s excellent,” said 19-year-old Muhammad Abu Asi, admitting his family watch and listen only to Al-Aqsa TV & Radio.  While they have access to the Internet where major wire services and news agencies report the grim war data more accurately, Asi, like many others, prefer to be deluded by pernicious propaganda.  “The resistance is striking more powerful blows than ever before . . . [Israel] lies to cover their losses, because they know that would be a victory for us.  We’re sure we’ll win,” said Al-Aqsa, feeding Gaza’s beleaguered population the fantasy world needed to endure the suffering.  Meanwhile world leaders at the U.N. and elsewhere understand the intolerable suffering.

             With Hamas and the Palestine Liberation Organization joining forces April 23, Abbas can’t escape from the current rocket war that he hopes forces Israel back to the bargaining table.  Whatever game Abbas plays, it’s currently backfiring, using the downtrodden in Gaza as cannon fodder to his fund raising efforts.  Throwaway rocket attacks touted by Gaza’s new Baghdad Bob does nothing other that make the young and old alike suffer.  When Al-Aqsa TV & Radio talk of “victory,” they’re referring to the ongoing fantasy that armed struggle against will eventually result in a glorious victory conquering Israel.  Instead of sitting down with Netanyahu and U.S. mediators, Abbas has chosen the same path as Arafat, who died Nov. 11, 20004 of suspicious causes, never realizing his dream of an independent Palestinian state.  Abbas looks like he’s heading to the same fate.

             Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV & Radio continue to hammer the old myth that Israel stold all Palestinian land when it was handed the British Mandate of Palestine and declared a sovereign state May 14, 1948.  Arafat formed the PLO in 1964 with the hope of joining a glorious Arab war to conquer Israel.  When the PLO joined Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Jordan, backed by Algeria, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Tunisa to launch the Six Day War, the Arab states endured a humiliating defeat June 10, 1967 with Israel annexing Egypt’s Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula, Jordan’s West Bank, Syria’s Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.  Palestinians had no sovereign territory before the British Mandate of  Palestine or the 1967 War, yet claim Israel “occupies” their land, driving the outrageous propaganda flowing from Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV & Radio, promising victory over the “Zionist entity.”

             Palestinine’s propaganda machine must keep the lies going, routinely attacking Israel at the expense of the civilian population to prove that the “dream” is still alive of victory over the “Zionist entity.”  Adopting the same language as Hitler’s Third Reich, referring to Israel as the “Zionist entity” furthers the same anti-Semitism that spurred the “Final Solution” or Holocaust of European Jews.  Unlike back then, Israel stands—with the help of the U.S.—as the most powerful military in the Mideast, preventing a repeat of what Hitler did to the Jews in WW II.  “We continue to broadcast Palestinian strength.  There can be no dialogue between Palestinians and the Zionist occupation,” an Al-Aqsa news anchor, admitting that he can’t allow Palestinians to have the truth.  “Rockets of the resistance strike Ashkelon,” said the Al-Aqsa anchor, not admitting they fell into an abandoned field.

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He's editor of OnlineColumnist.com.and author of Dodging the Bullet and Operation Charisma.

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